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There are flashbacks here, meaning the dialogue will be in Filipino again.

I will copy paste the scene and translate the dialogue, like the previous chapter I did this with.

The scenes with the Filipino dialogue starts and ends with 🇵🇭🇵🇭

the translated scene starts and ends with ❤️❤️   Labyu all, happy reading!

Camilo was now in bed, staring at the ceiling. Physically, his eyes were pointing at the ceiling, but the eye of his mind saw different things.

He could only imagine the horror Y/N went through...

She was just a little girl. She didn't deserve to witness such things... He thought, breathing deep as he tried to calm his graphic mind.

After that "Tio" incident, things were a little awkward in the Delos Reyes household. Well... awkward for the kids. The adults continued as if nothing happened.

But then something did happen that lead Y/N to tell the story...


Y/N and Camilo were now washing the dishes after having the most scrumptious kaldereta for lunch. Señor Ernesto had Butch put records on the gramophone while Mirabel was helping him with some homework.

Y/N explained to him that the music playing along the house was Filipino Rondalla music, and that her older brother was part of the band as a guitarist.

Camilo thought that the instruments sounded a bit Italian-y, but the music composition was definitely unique.

He found it particularly adorable when he'd catch Y/N slightly swaying, or move on her feet, or even wiggling her hips to the music. He could clearly see that she had some choreography memorized.

A small, dreamy smile grew on her face.

"What are you smiling at?", He whispered, not wanting to disturb Y/N's happy thought.

"This song is called Cariñosa", she said, stiffling a girly giggle.

"Cariñosa as in 'loving'? Or 'affectionate'?", Camilo raised a curious eyebrow. Y/N nodded subtly and yet she was obviously so giddy. She looked at her dad who was busy choosing whichever hairstyle is best from the photo album, before  leaning closer to whisper something to Camilo.

"Me and Angelito danced to this song", she said before going back to their former distance, humming as she scrubbed a plate with the sponge.

"Oh", Camilo said, rinsing the fork he was holding just a bit harsher.

He didn't notice how his curious smile dropped.

And apparently, so did Y/N, because she still had the dreamy smile on her face as she swayed and hummed to the beautiful music.

She sighed as she passed Camilo the plate so he can rinse it.

"It was the first time someone properly asked me to dance", she giggled, "except for Tatay, Tio, and Kuya of course", she said, picking up another plate to wash.

"Huh", Camilo thought. Both his eyebrows were now raised, but not because of amusement, but he was silently judging this Angel-little person.

"Oh, don't be so grumpy", Y/N lightly shoved him with her shoulder.

"Was he like Quackon?", he asked. Y/N rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"It's Cuaron, and no", she went back to looking dreamy, "he was just Angelito", she said, and Camilo just scoffed.

His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ