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Tatay Ernesto went home late. Turns out, he got a teaching job at an all-boys high school somewhere in town and was filling up the paperwork and making lesson plans. He got home to the sight of his kids cuddled on the couch. No bedtime story, no Pepay. Just them, cuddling together. He carried Butchokoy to his bed and positioned Y/N more comfortably on the couch with a blanket and some pillows. The next morning, he woke up with a small smile on his face, reheating her daughter's delicious adobo and cooking some rice. Of course, Butchokoy woke up earlier because of his favorite food. He woke his ate up by sitting and bouncing on her side. He ended up getting shoved away by a grumpy Y/N.

She was never a morning person, even as a kid, Tatay chuckled.

Breakfast went on silent at first.

"So, I got a job", Tatay said. Y/N and Butch lit up.

"It's at an all-boys high school. Now, I know it's still summer break for the kids but I still have to go on weekdays and make my lesson plans ahead of time", Y/N bubbled in excitement.

"What's the name of the school?", Y/N asked.

"South Encanto High School For Boys". Y/N didn't bother to ask why it's just for boys. Girls were either homeschooled by their parents or sent to an all-girls school. Y/N was homeschooled by her Nanay herself. She's learned all that she had to that's why she wanted to get out to the world and work.

"Thirty-minute carriage ride, fare's cheap", Tatay said while chewing.

"Congrats, Tay", Y/N said with a smile and Butch followed. They ate in happy silence again then Tatay Ernesto asked.

"So what did you do yesterday?", Butch enthusiastically retold his narrative of how they rode Diego to Casita, play in Antonio's jungle of a room, ride around town, and splashed around by the bridge where the teenagers were hanging out. 'Retold' because he already described all this to Y/N with great detail last night while waiting for their Tatay to come home.

"Where was Y/N in all this?", Tatay asked. Y/N grimaced.

"I wasn't"

"Yeah, she stayed home like a chicken", Butch said, with a mouthful of rice, a few pieces jumping out of his mouth. Y/N threw a handkerchief at his face.

"No talking when your mouth is full", she said, pointing at him with a fork.

"Y/N didn't I tell you to socialize, be with the other kids your age?", Tatay asked, worried.

"Well...", Y/N's voice trailed off. She slumped on her chair. "Butchokoy's right. I stayed home like a chicken", she mumbled.

"Why? You were never this introverted back home", Tatay asked.

"I don't know, Tay, but I promise I'll try to go out today"

"You promise?"

"I promise I'll try", Y/N said slowly. She scowled at her younger brother who dramatically rolled his eyes.

Eventually, their Tatay left, giving them each a kiss before he closed the door. Then it was Butch and Y/N's routine of chase-to-bathe-the-baby and then forcing said baby to get out of the bath. They finished relatively quickly letting Y/N take a quick wash of her own. She was brushing her teeth in front of the bathroom sink, clad in nothing but her tuwalyas, when she heard the same jaguar roar from yesterday. Y/N panicked. She wanted to get out of the bathroom and yell at her brother to stop but he already let the visitors in.

"Butch!", "Tonito!", she heard. She listened more. If it was just the toddlers, she might be able to sprint to her room. But still, she'd be damned if she'd just let visitors see her fresh from the shower in towels! That would be embarrassing. Undignifying!

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