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"Hello, Mariposa"

Y/N blinked to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Estrella?", She finally said. It came out louder than she meant it to.

"It's me", Estrella hummed as if she was given the biggest compliment in the world, "I see you didn't take my advice about your clothes"

Y/N tried not to scowl and just looked past the blonde. She stared Mira in the eyes.

How'd she get here?, Y/N asked through her eyes.

I have no idea, I hate her. Mirabel replied, also speaking through her eyes.

Y/N turned her attention back to Estrella who was admiring her nails.

"It's a surprise to see you here Estrella", she said politely. That politeness that she reserved for strangers.

"Why? Can't I visit my mother's shop?"

The girls' jaws dropped. Mira more than Y/N. Mirabel was mouthing and acting out her surprise and how she wants to strangle Estrella while Y/N swallowed and tried to keep her composure.

"We didn't know you were Señora Krista's daughter when we applied", she said.

"Duh, you're surprised to see me here, aren't you?", Estrella said, looking around the room nonchalantly.

"You two work for me now", she smirked.

Mirabel was burning holes at the back of Estrella's head as she glared with utmost loathing. Y/N covered up the scoff that escaped her lips, pretending to cough behind her handkerchief.

"Actually Estrella, we work for your mother", Mirabel said 'nicely', walking over to Y/N.  "Your name isn't in our employment contract", she smiled sarcastically as she waved the document in Estrella's face. The blonde rolled her eyes and snatched the paper from Mirabel and read it like it was some magazine article.

"This document is proof of Mirabel Madriblah blah blah..." Mira audibly scoffed and Y/N had to hold her wrist to remind her to not do anything stupid.

"Blah blah hmm hmm? Ah! Here. 'Signed by Krista Maria Costalos, shop owner and manager' ", she said triumphantly.

"That's your mom's name", Mirabel rolled her eyes as she snatched contract back.

"It says Costalos doesn't it? And I'm a Costalos. It's a family business. So yes, you do work for me", Estrella said, crossing her arms triumphantly. Mirabel was about to retort but Y/N spoke first.

"And what may we do for you today, Señorita Costalos", she said still with that polite voice.

"I prefer Madame"


"Excuse me?"

"I prefer Madame Estrella Costalos", Estrella said dramatically, grinning wickedly at Mirabel's scowling face.

Y/N just tried not to glare. She kept a straight and polite face but deep down she was cursing this bruja out to the next century.

Tangina kang babae ka , kala mo kung sino ka. Kung guguntingin ko yang mga pisngi mo sigurado kulay Rosas na yan habang buhay-

But no. Y/N was one refined young lady and she was going to deal with this bitch gracefully and politely. She could easily hide her venom in the kindness.

She inhaled deeply, not taking her eyes off the smug girl. "I'm sorry Estrella, I don't think that's appropriate. Even your mother doesn't ask that of us. Again, how may we help you?"

His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now