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"Yo, we got early out", Sivan said as he came over with his tray of food.

"Early out? You mean we have no afternoon classes?", Camilo asked excitedly. Sivan nodded happily before shoving a spoonful into his mouth.

"Yesss", Dante whispered.

"Why are we only half-day?", Camilo asked.

"I dunno, something about a teachers seminar", Sivan shrugged.

"Nice", Milo said. The clique talked about this and that, whether there were any new auditions, complaining about this week's math quiz, and other things to pass the time. They decided to go to the small fields of Encanto to play football or whatever, just have a boys day.

Soon lunch passed and the boys got ready to get out of school. Dante was more excited than Camilo as they walked out of the school gates. He knew that one person or another is going to ask him for help when they'd see him free from school.

They've been walking around town for a while now, buying some snacks, being loud, teasing each other when a girl looks their way.

"Sivan, Sivan, isn't that your little bonita?", Camilo elbowed his friend who was turning beet red.

"Oh, shut up. I could say the same about you and your Mariposa", he shoved Camilo away with a chuckle.

"OooOOooohhhh", his friends laughed, pushing Camilo around.

"You guys are dramatic",he scoffed.

"Whaddoyou expect? We're all drama kids", Joaquin laughed. Milo just rolled his eyes.

"No, seriously bro, you sure you don't have a crush on Señor deLos Reyes' daughter? I mean, you seem pretty interested in her", Juan asked. Camilo just shook his head.

"Hundred percent sure. She's just my best friend"

"I'm also your best friend but I don't see you spoon-feeding me out of your lunchbox", Dante scoffed. The others laughed and shoved Milo around again.

"Posa, Posa, Posa, Posa", they chanted. The people around them were starting to stare at their ruckus.

"Guys! Stop it will you?", He said, fixing his ruana and his hair, blushing with embarrassment.

"Haha! Man, you're blushing. Our short little shapeshifter is blushing over his butterfly", Oscar pinched his cheeks while crouching down to be eye level with him.

"Oh, shut up, you stupid giant", Camilo scowled and shoved the tall boy away by the face. Oscar just laughed and pat him on the shoulder.

The boys continued to tease him until somebody called him.

"Camilo!", They all turned to the direction where the voice came from.

" Are you free right now?", Señora Jenna asked. Camilo looked at his friends, unsure. They too, weren't sure what to say.

"Uhm... I'm out of school", Camilo said nervously.

"Are you and your friends going somewhere?"

"We were going to the fields to play ball, Señora"

"Ah, would it be alright with you if you look after my store for a while, Mijo? I just have to take care of something for a bit"

Camilo inhaled.

"Okay", he said with a smile.

Camilo tried not to sigh, while his friends didn't even bother to cover their disappointment.

"I'll catch up with you guys", he said as his friends bid him goodbye.

Camilo followed Señora Jenna into her store.

His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now