"Over and out!" Jennie grins her attention still fully on Lisa as she leaves her best friends behind and heads towards her girlfriend. Lisa's stare is hot and heavy with every step Jennie takes closer.

"Hey." Lisa says smoothly her hand stretching out for Jennie's until she takes it and pulls her in for a lingering kiss that has Jennie's eyes falling shut forgetting all about the strange man beside them. "I was just ordering your drink." Lisa breathes pecking Jennie's lip once more before biting her bottom lip.

"I thought you got lost." Jennie teases her eyes briefly flicking to the man she has been talking to for the last ten minutes.

"Trapped actually." Lisa breathes eyes briefly flicking to the stranger who seems to have slowly started acting casual and looking around the room while drinking his drink and stepping further away. Jennie can't stop the laugh that comes from her lips while Lisa copies, her arms falling around the blonde's neck bringing her closer.

"Looks like I can't take you anywhere either." Jennie teases wrapping her arms around Lisa's waist and leaning into her body.

"You didn't rush over to rescue me in a jealous rage." Lisa challenges playfully with a raised brow her bloodshot eyes already flickering to Jennie's lips.

"You've just become my girlfriend, You would be a terrible person if you started flirting with someone else already." Jennie quips. "That and your mush for me."

"You will be mush in a minute." Lisa warns capturing Jennie's lips before she can say anything else.

Jennie's certainly not complaining, not even when Lisa's hand dips down to her arse with a naughty squeeze followed by a smile.

Totally a touchy-feely drunk.

"What drink do you want?" Lisa questions not even bothering to pull away from the embrace.

"I thought you were already getting me on." Jennie teases shaking her head playfully. "You're a true lawyer ouch no pinching."

"Baby." Lisa breathes before turning around and waving the bartender down immediately.


"I'm so sorry!" Lisa says widening her eyes as she spins around to face the people she's bumped into while dancing. "Really sorry." She repeats while Jennie laughs and pulls her back to her and keeps hold of her.

"You got two left feet suddenly?" Jennie teases nuzzling her nose against Lisa's neck.

"Nobody has two left feet, Jennie." Lisa deadpans making Jennie roll her eyes and laugh.

"How do you make drunk adorable?" Jennie questions feeling Lisa's hands slide up her shoulders until she's wrapping them around her neck.

"Jennie." Lisa says slowly her drunken eyes falling heavy while she's swaying into her, Jennie's not sure if she's trying to dance again or just losing her footing. "You have such a pretty face." Lisa confesses leaning into Jennie more with a slight furrow to her brow as her eyes light up in amusement.

"Is that so?" She challenges tilting her head to the side while gripping Lisa that little bit tighter.

"Very much so." Lisa says strongly her eyes flickering over Jennie's face like its proving her point with every second that passes. "You're a very good kisser." Lisa breathes eyes falling heavily on Jennie's pink moist lips making Jennie dizzy.

"So you are a talker." Jennie grins squeezing Lisa's hip as they sway into each other. "I may use this to my advantage." Jennie breathes leaning forward to capture Lisa's open lips. She's so delicious it's scary, especially when Jennie pulls her lips away and opens her eyes to see Lisa heavy and dazed.

The Interview!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora