"Jennie." Rose acknowledged as Jennie stopped outside her office to hand over her mail. Rose always had the most she noticed, strange considering she wasn't in charge, Jennie half wondered what she was actually in charge of considering Lisa was the big boss.

"Darling." Jennie said simply forgetting their last encounter entirely.

"You're late." Rose says simply looking to Jennie.

"It took longer than usual to write these love letters." Jennie said with a shrug. "Hard to put into words how I feel about you sometimes." Jennie continued refusing to let her burst of honesty from the other day stop her because life was far too short to have a grudge and Rose opinion wasn't one she cared for.

"Don't let it happen again." Rose says softer than the usual snappy stuck up self.

"Sure thing." Jennie agrees while pulling her next pile of letters out ready.

"For a doctor." Rose starts catching Jennie's attention as she pauses. "Do you have to be so childish?" Rose questions. It's a weird approach Jennie thinks as her smile turns in to a grin, but it's an acknowledgment of her regret, well so it feels.

"It's called having fun." Jennie breathes looking Rose up and down. Something Rose's clearly not fond of. "Life is to short to wear that frown constantly. You would know that if you worked in a hospital for even a day." Jennie confesses seriously turning to face Rose fully.

For a minute she thinks about telling her a story, telling her why she should lighten up and stop taking life to seriously because they aren't working for the military. "Last thursday night I worked a shift at the hospital with my mum." Jennie explained crossing her arms across her chest. "A young boy was involved in a car accident. He was eleven." Jennie said softly remembering blonde hair and droopy eyes while air was being pumped into his lungs to keep him alive. "He died that night and no matter what my mother did, she said the damage was too bad." Jennie explained. "Eleven years he was here, that's all he had. He didn't know he was going die that night and neither did his family, but although that boy probably had a happy life, there are still regrets that family will have, like why didn't they do this, they should have taken him here or give him this and just spend more time with him than focusing on the unimportant things." Jennie explained. "So I don't plan on wasting mine making people feel smaller than i am or putting a frown on their face instead of a smile when it's completely unnecessary. Because at the end of it, we're all human and no one is better than anybody we're just different." Jennie explains her eyes finally flickering to Rose eyes as Rose remains quiet and listening. "That's my way anyway." Jennie says finally with a nod before she's walking away and pushing her cart to the next office.

The conversation wasn't intended to get heavy because no matter what she says or does, she had no doubt Rose will never change and remain the same judgemental miserable woman that she's grown to be.

"Miss Kim."

"Miss Manoban." Jennie smirks walking into the office and placing a single letter on Lisa's desk. It was fascinating how Lisa's strong voice from only a few minutes ago was now soft and welcoming while her structure had gone to slack in the chair instead of strong and straight.

"Miss Manoban?" Lisa questions a growing smile forming her lips. "That's new."

"I like the sound of it." Jennie mocks with a grin of her own while they look at each other.

"I saw you talking with Rose." Lisa says after a moment of silence, but Jennie can't help notice that Lisa's smile hasn't left her lips since she entered the office.

"Are you spying on me, Miss Manoban?" Jennie teases with a warning look, it falls flat though as Lisa rolls her eyes. "Don't worry." Jennie says looking over her shoulder and down the corridor to where Rose's office is. "She was just flirting with me." Jennie says seriously while batting her lashes "Now that she knows I'm a qualified doctor, it totally does it for her." Jennie grins with a shrug making Lisa chuckle and look down for a second before looking back up.

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