Invasion : Part 1

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[United Nations Headquarters, New York : 05/02/2001]

POV : Calvin Kent/Superman

All eyes were on me. I won't lie the issue of nuclear bombs in my old life was something hotly debated and could not be resolved by a single person, and it was something that preoccupied people for decades, entering the popular imagination.

But here, in this reality I had the power to end it, I had Superman's powers, something stronger than an atomic bomb so I had an answer to that question.

With a firm step, I advanced to the podium of the UN General Assembly, where my eyes met those of representatives of countries from around the world. I took a deep breath and started my speech.

"Nuclear bombs are a threat to the security of this planet and the survival of its peoples. But I have the power to destroy these weapons and ensure they are never used again. I pledge to travel the world and deactivate all nuclear weapons that we find, so that we can live in a safer and more peaceful world." I said looking at everyone in the great hall.

"I pledge to protect this world, whether from threats from within." I looked at Senator Margaret.

"Or external." I looked at the German Senator.

"And if I may make a suggestion, to put you at ease I would suggest keeping a small batch of these weapons in the hands of SHIELD, whose council leadership makes it an impartial agency." I say remembering to reassure these politicians.

"But that is not enough. World peace cannot depend on my presence and powers alone. It is important that we work together as a global community to face the challenges that lie ahead. We need cooperation, dialogue and mutual understanding to achieve true peace and security."

I look at everyone again and add: "We cannot let fear and distrust dominate us. We must work together to overcome our differences and build a fairer and safer world for all."

I finish my speech and return to my seat, waiting for the reaction of world leaders. I hope I made it clear that with power comes great responsibility and that we can change the world if we work together towards a common goal.

General Secretary William Chester clapped first, followed by most of the assembly members.

I left the UN General Assembly with a sense of accomplishment, but I knew there was a lot of work to be done. As Superman, I had a responsibility to protect this world and ensure that future generations could enjoy a better future.

With hope, I knew I could count on the cooperation of world leaders and people around the world to achieve this goal.

[Golden City, Wakanda]

In Central Africa in an isolated country of Wakanda, T'Challa was analyzing the data he had gathered from his investigations in space research laboratories and the recordings of his encounter with the scientist with suspicious abilities, having enough strength to knock him out in a crash.

"Your friend made a beautiful speech." A beautiful young woman, slender and wearing traditional Wakandan attire, but in a more modern style than T'Challa wore.

"He is not my friend Shuri, at most we are colleagues." T'Challa answered his sister without turning around.

Shuri approached him, holding a tray with two cups of tea. "In any case, it was brave of him to stand before the UN General Assembly and offer his services to protect the world."

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