Submarine Attack : Part 3

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[North Pole : 07/12/1995]

2:39 P.M.

POV : Third

In a remote area of the North Pole, a group of Atlantis were flying over with ships similar to motorcycles, among them was Attuma, in his hands was the Trident of Neptune and the stone of the depths.

They were heading towards a huge icy mountain, reaching it they then climbed it, going deeper they arrived at some kind of facility, with a huge machine in the center.

"The thermal disruptor, powerful enough to melt this entire frozen wasteland, and sink the world of these air-breathing rats." Attuma said as he approached the machine.

He pressed a few buttons, and soon a share opened, he smiled as he placed the stone from the depths in the share, and soon the machine came to life, generating a beam of heat that began to pierce the ground.

"Behold my brothers!, soon this world will belong only to us!" Attuma shouted, his soldiers began to shout, bowing to him.

"That will not happen you usurper!" But Namor's voice stopped the celebration.

Attuma looked at the entrance to the facility and saw his nephew, and he was in an icy, calm rage.

"I see, Krang failed me, but it was to be expected, he was always too soft on you." Attuma said in disgust.

"I don't know how you convinced him to participate in this madness, but his punishment will come later, now is your time." Namor said, pointing his finger at Attuma.

The Atlantean general can only do one thing.

"Haha ha!" Laugh at his nephew.

"Don't you see you half-breed idiot!, I have the Trident, and I have the numbers." Attuma said raising the Trident, and looking at his fifteen armed men.

Namor smiled at the last statement.

"A very useful lesson uncle, quantity doesn't always trump quality." As soon as Namor said that, two beams of heat shot through the ceiling, hitting Attuma's men who were thrown into the wall behind them.

"Attuma!" Namora screamed coming down from the hole in the ceiling, hitting her father with a two-foot flying kick.

Being hit in the face Attuma didn't see Superman and Dorma coming down.

Namor wasted no more time, the wings on his feet started to beat and in one jump he quickly arrived at the hangar where his uncle and cousin were.

"Dorma fast, how can we stop this machine from melting the ice cap?" Superman asked urgently.

"It's an old machine, but I think I can give it a try, just cover me up." Dorma said as she saw the soldiers getting up.

"Leave it to me." Superman said.

At a crossroads, Attuma fired a mystical ray against his nephew, his daughter came from behind and tried to kick him, but he had seen it and turned, hitting her with a ray, sending her to the wall.

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