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[New York : 1995]

The previous year ended a little less than two months ago, a new year was before people, and new changes too, the population was still getting used to Superman's presence, but now it was more peaceful and infused that he was acting in aid of the people.

Another thing that changed were the criminals, now they had to be triple careful, always having to ask themselves if they were making too much noise, looking at the sky or even avoiding places with a lot of civilians, because any slip and they would end up being sent to jail in the speed of sound.

Meanwhile Calvin was in his company's labs while scientists work on the latest project, one similar to Project Pegasus.

POV : Calvin Kent

"As you can see, , the new rocket models from our laboratories have superior performance compared to the other models available, not to mention that our technology guarantees a zero level of damage to the environment." I said while looking at one of the doctors and representative of my company's new business partner.

Warren was unfortunately busy with our new facilities in other states, the plan was to have a Star Lab in every US state and then expand out, anyway I was really bored with these guys.

The most interesting thing was to see the new models of new generation spacecraft, Project Pegasus intends to send a mission to Mars, they are pioneers in space travel and studies in this area but they needed new perspectives.

"I see, it's really impressive, I'm sure our pilot will be very pleased with the new equipment." He said without expression, that was another strange thing about this guy, he was very... drab.

Fletcher Traynor was an academy student at Massachusetts Academy, joined Project Pegasus at an early age and now thirty-two was a leading expert in biochemistry and biological engineering.

I don't know why they sent this guy, but at least he didn't look like he was going to go around killing everyone, I was about to continue with my presentation when my cell phone started vibrating, not my civil device but my special one, I remember how I stayed with him.


[Two months ago]

Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD and one of the most dangerous humans in the world, and I was having coffee with him somewhere in the world, well it's not just anyone who can say that is it ?

"Well, you called me here, and so far my cream cake hasn't come, so it would be nice if you ate ." I said seriously.

"Well, fair enough, I am part of an organization responsible for monitoring and dealing with global threats, we have responded to criminal organizations and dangerous individuals since the time of World War II when Hydra came with its attacks." He started with the history class.

"And then ?, I hope I'm not one of those threats." I say joking.

" least for now, I see you as a valuable resource, a way for the Earth to keep turning while us normal men stay safe until we can fend for ourselves." He was...surprisingly very honest of him.

"Well, I don't intend to join any government organization, I intend to remain neutral and help where needed." Even though I wouldn't be recruited, I know him well enough to know better than to trust government just smiled.

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