Invasion : Part 5

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[New York : 17/02/2001]

POV : Superman/Calvin Kent

Talking to Ross was extremely exhausting, but I didn't have time to think about it, the world was being bombarded with countless Chitauri ships, and the worst part was that they were undetectable, the space analysis systems were inoperative.

'Even I can't cross the whole world and eliminate all the ships with one hundred percent success, they are too many and that's certainly not the full force, I'll need help and I already know who to deal with.' I thought.

"Kelex, engage New Age Protocol." I say pressing a button on my belt.

{Protocol Triggered: It may take a few minutes for signals to be sent.} The artificial intelligence of the fortress of solitude reported.

"That's enough for now." I went flying to stop as many spider ships as possible.

I flew at high speed, dodging the energy blasts fired by the Chitauri spiderships. Meanwhile, my mind was focused on how to deal with this large-scale threat.

I'm glad that I triggered the New Age Protocol, which calls upon heroes from around the world to help in situations like this. We'll definitely have an army of superhumans fighting by my side soon.

Meanwhile, I needed to keep the spiderships busy and out of reach of the cities. I couldn't let them do more damage or put more people in danger.

With my heat vision powers, I fired beams of intense heat at the ships, causing significant damage. But they were too numerous, and I couldn't be everywhere at once.

It was then that I noticed something strange happening in one of the cities below me. It looked like one of the spider ships was focusing on a single building instead of shooting everything around it.

Without thinking twice, I dove towards the building, flying as fast as possible. When I got close enough, I saw that the spider ship was about to fire a blast of energy directly at the building.

Using all my speed and strength, I landed a powerful punch on the ship, deflecting its shot away from the building. The impact was strong enough to cause the spidership to explode in a ball of fire.

For a moment, everything around me was silent. I knew there was still a lot of work to be done, but I was relieved to have saved that building and the people inside it.

I was about to head towards Asia when suddenly I was hit by a stronger shot that made me collide with another building almost collapsing the structure.

I got up quickly and saw a whole squadron heavily armed, with ships similar to motorcycles and more spider ships, I could see the pilots of the ships, they were Chitauri, a variation that copulated with the Skrulls thousands of years ago, they were a hundred to one count total.

"Unless you want to make matters worse, I suggest you surrender." I meant seriously.

My only response was a flurry of gunfire in my direction.

I knew I needed to act quickly to protect the people in the area and defeat the Chitauri without causing more damage. I used my advanced senses to assess the situation and identify the best strategies for combat.

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