Hunt : Part 3

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[Ulysses Klaue's Base, Zanzibar : 24/11/1995]

Tony had taken one of his jets for T'Challa to drive while he and Superman flew alongside, they were already in the airspace of Ulysses Klaus' base.

{We are approaching, now we just need to arrive discreetly.} Tony said through the communicator.

{Are you sure this jet has good cloaking technology, Stark ?} T'Challa asked not to trust the foreign technology very much.

{It has the best stealth technology on the planet, mine.} Stark replied with a lot of pride in his voice.

{I think I better reconsider that Tony.} Superman said while using his super vision to assess the situation, and was in time to dodge a beam of energy that came towards him.

Soon a volley of gunfire came from the island's jungle, and then they came face to face with a flying figure, wearing black armor while riding a flying motorcycle that resembled a horse.

{Their defense technology is better.} T'Challa said sarcastically.

"Black Knight!!" Tony said with apprehension.

The villain pointed out a kind of blade used in duels by medieval knights, but it emitted electrical energy.

"Iron Man!!, Today I will have my revenge!!" He said very nervously.

Tony activated his boots' thrusters, trying to get away from the Black Knight while Superman flew towards the villain, ready to stop him.

Meanwhile, T'Challa leapt from the jet and activated his vibranium claws, ready to fight the Black Knight's henchmen who were approaching in air transports.

The Black Knight charged forward with his electric blade, attacking Superman with swift slashes. The Kryptonian blocked the attacks with ease and countered with a punch, but the villain deftly dodged.

Tony activated the repulsors in his hands and fired an energy beam at the Black Knight, but the villain blocked it with his electric blade. Meanwhile, T'Challa fought against the villain's henchmen, using his claws to disarm them and deliver precise blows.

"Can you say more about your friend?" Superman asked wryly as he attacked the Black Knight.

"Oh nothing much, his name is Nathan Garrett just an English nobleman and one of the henchmen of the leader of the Maggia, interesting technology but a retro taste in fashion." Tony responded humorously, only to hear a roar from the Black Knight.

The Black Knight tried to attack Tony again, but this time Superman grabbed his blade and sliced it in half with his bare hands. The villain backed away, visibly surprised by the Kryptonian's strength.

"This is over, Black Knight. Surrender." Superman said, looking straight into the villain's eyes.

But the Black Knight didn't seem willing to surrender so easily. He activated a device on his flying bike and fired an energy beam towards the heroes. Tony tried to block the attack with his energy shield, but the energy passed through him easily, causing Iron Man to fall unconscious.

"Tony!!" Superman screamed.Superman tried to catch up with the Black Knight, but he mounted on his flying motorcycle and fled, leaving behind the defeated henchmen and the unconscious Iron Man.

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