Invasion : Part 2

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[Space : 10/02/2001]

Approaching the signal, Nova noticed that the area of space he was in was emitting energy signals resembling those of planetary transport ship rockets, and it was bothering him a lot. He followed the trail, unable to see the small purple glows in the darkness of space, and two silhouettes followed the space cop from behind. Richard continued to follow the signal trail until suddenly it was cut off by nothing, and before he could conclude a thought, his back was hit.

Richard tried to recover from the impact and quickly spun around to face his attackers, but he saw nothing but darkness. He activated his helmet's visor to increase visibility, but still couldn't see anything.

Then he dodged two more energy shots. Richard was a Nova; he had been in the corporation for a long time and knew how to recognize weaponry when he saw it, and he knew who those shots belonged to.

"I don't know what you bastards are doing here, but your boss knows he can't interfere with the Nova Corps!!" Nova shouted as he energized his fists.

All he received was silence. Tired of it, he illuminated the space, revealing two aerial-class ships, each with a Chitauri pilot, an amphibious race whose abilities varied from each subspecies, but the one Richard was seeing was the branch that interbred with the Skrulls in the past.

The Chitauri were known to be mercenaries and work for whoever paid the most. They were feared throughout the universe for their strength and combat abilities. And Richard had faced many of them during his career in the Nova Corps.

But something wasn't right this time. Why would the Chitauri be heading to the space where Earth was? Richard wondered. He decided he needed to gather more information.

"What do you want here? Why are you heading towards Terra's space!?" Richard asked.

The Chitauri remained silent for a moment before finally responding.

"Our client paid us to come here and gather information. We have no interest in fighting the Nova Corps, but if you insist on getting in our way, we will have to defend ourselves," said one of the Chitauri pilots.

"Who is your customer? And what information are they looking for?" Richard questioned.

"I'm sorry, but you know we can't release this job code information. Now, if you don't withdraw, we'll have to take action." said the other pilot.

Richard realized that he wasn't getting any more information out of the Chitauri. He decided it was time to act.

He leapt towards the Chitauri ships, his empowered fists ready for combat. The Chitauri responded with a barrage of energy shots, but Richard managed to dodge them deftly.

Seeing that Nova was approaching the two pilots pulled away going the way Nova was going earlier.

'Do they think they'll run away from me?' Nova thought with amusement, it was well known that nothing was faster than a member of the Nova Corps in space.

Richard sped up starting his pursuit of the Chitauri. He knew he needed to stop them from collecting the information they were looking for and get more information out of these two.

The space battle began, with Richard dodging the Chitauri's energy blasts and responding with his own powered attacks. The fighting was intense, but Richard had the advantage of being a Nova, with years of training and experience in space battles.

First he created a huge quantum energy pistol, the first shot exploded the ship of one of them, finishing one of the pilots. Nova then kept dodging the last desperate pilot's shots, he didn't attack focusing on aiming and finally he managed to fix a target.

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