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My name is Michaela Leann Knowles.
I'm 15 years old.
My favorite color is green because that's the color of everything in summer.
I love archery and music and skating and playing the piano and my family.
I love Eleanor.
A lot.
Eleanor loves me too.
And that won't change.
No matter what other changes we have to deal with that will never be one of them.
She wants me to move in with her soon.
Someday we will do that thing.
In 10 years we're getting married.
Love is not worthless.
It actually means a lot.
And it does last sometimes.
The storm always passes through eventually.
I am not a bad person.
I am getting better.
My past does not define me as a person.
I deserve love.
There are lots of people who love me.
There are lots of people who want to help me and I shouldn't push them away.
I don't need to be ashamed of anything.
I am still figuring myself out and that's okay.
There's no rush to be a certain way.
I am not "too much" or "not enough".
I'm just me.
The perfect amount.

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