because i liked a girl

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Livi is dead. I'm not sure how I feel. I've been numb since I found out. Frankie wants to bring her back but Livi says the only way she'll come back is if Eleanor miraculously loves her. Is that really the best thing though? Bring her back and have things go back to just how they were before? I don't know. I've been with Eleanor most of the day. She's crying and telling me it's her fault because she told Livi she loved me more. I've mostly stayed silent while trying my best to comfort her but I don't know what to do. Does Will blame me for her death? Gods, I hope not. It would really suck to not be able to talk to him again. I want to say it's my fault but that's not fair. We can't help who we love. Eleanor could never love Livi and nothing I can do will change that.

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