When I went to see Eleanor they were high as a kite. I stayed with them until I had to go. Livi told me she wasn't going to see her mom after all. She said she wanted to kill herself so I wouldn't be miserable and I told her that would make it worse. She said once she drank from the Lethe she wouldn't remember anything and she'd be a new person. Later I found out Livi had something she called "sad syndrome" but doctors were able to bring her back. Will said she could've stopped her own heart if she wanted. It reminded me of when he was in the hospital and his heart stopped. They were able to get it going again but still that was one of the scariest nights of my life.
When I said I was glad she wasn't dead she asked why, she thought I didn't like her and I said I didn't want her to die. I do like Livi. Because in some way or another she reminds me of myself.
I don't think she believes me. I'm leaving soon.

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