how i think relationships should be

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I swear I'm not meaning to play with Eleanor's feelings like this, telling them I love them when I don't know if I mean it in a friend way or not. I just don't know. I kind of like how we are now. We can talk to each other about whatever without worrying. We focus on ourselves but have each other when we need support or reassurance. I think that's what a relationship should be, romantic or otherwise. It should be someone who helps you to grow and become your best self, someone who's there for you when you need them. You know you can trust them. They doesn't pressure you into anything, and they never have you doubting yourself. They're just there for fun and most importantly for support. If that's how we were I think I'd like the idea of trying again with them, assuming they want that too. Maybe it's not so hopeless after all.

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