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Will's been fighting with Nico the past few days. He said he's tired of his kids saying they want to kill themselves and wishes if they're going to that they would just do it already and Nico has been "disassociating." It makes me feel guilty for being happy with Eleanor. But at the same time, I'm so glad it's happening. I've been waiting for him to finally realize how awful they are. He says Nico doesn't care about him when that's what I've been trying to tell him for months. If he cared he'd try harder. If he cared he'd prove it. Will says it's normal to have rocky parts of a relationship but to me it seems like it's hardly ever not rocky. He deserves so much better than this and it's not fair. I wish I could do something to make him realize that. But then again, Will already said if it weren't for the kids he'd leave so it wouldn't really achieve anything.

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