"Can you all stop talking?" Rin grumbled into the table. "Ali, I need to show you something," Meliodas urged as he grabbed my hand. I looked at him confused as he started pulling me out of the room. I glanced back and my eyes met Zel's, he was smirking as he rolled his eyes. His brother must've had something ridiculous in mind. "Mel, where the hell are you taking me?" I complained as he continued pulling me along, he giggled in response, "You'll see." He led me to one of the empty bedrooms, though they were starting to dwindle with our growing family, and shoved me in the door. I had turned and was about to confront him for being flippant when a hand wrapped around my mouth and an arm around my waist, pulling me roughly into someone's body. My anxiety started to rise as Meliodas was right in front of me and Zeldris didn't come with, when the person behind me licked my ear slowly then breathed in it, "Did you wear this slutty outfit just for me?" Meliodas? It dawned on me then this was a clone behind me. Not just a clone, but this one was personifying the Meliodas of over 3000 years ago. Once my brain caught up, my pussy was immediately soaked. My eyes met those of the real Meliodas, he was grinning mischievously before kissing me roughly. The clone behind me started pinching my nipples, I yelped when yet another of his clones started pulling my short shorts off.

I glanced down to see this clone was in Assault Mode, he glared up at me, "I think you need a reminder of who's in charge," his voice was ice cold. The Meliodas who was resurrected without his emotions during the second Holy War. Fuck, this was hot. Emotionless Meliodas rested on his knees and wrapped my legs around his neck, his hot tongue was lapping up my juices and torturing me by softly licking my clit continuously. I was twitching and moaning lewdly, demon clan Mel ripped my shirt up over my head and started nibbling my neck, one of his hands groped one of my breasts. Real Mel continued making out with me, his tongue dominated my own and one of his hands pinched my nipple that wasn't occupied by one of his clones. Demon clan Mel nibbled my ear lobe, "You want us all to fuck you at the same time, don't you?" I tried to respond but the real Meliodas wouldn't stop kissing me so the emotionless blonde sucked on my clit harder before growling, "Answer Daddy before you get punished!" All three of them continued their onslaught of pleasure until the real Meliodas relented to quickly strip out of his clothes and suck on my nipples. "Are you gonna answer Daddy?" he asked before kissing my lips again. I heard demon clan Meliodas snicker and emotionless Meliodas growled in irritation. Real Mel moved away to allow emotionless Mel to stand, he proceeded to shove me and consequently demon clan Mel hard onto the bed behind us.

Demon clan Meliodas flipped me over for my chest to rest on his and shoved his cock inside me, "Are you happy now to finally have my cock in you? You've been aching for it, haven't you?" I panted out a yes, his mouth was already attacking my nipples and emotionless Meliodas pushed his cock inside my ass abruptly. I moaned shamelessly, just in time for the real Meliodas to thrust his cock in my mouth. All three of them started fucking me in tandem, I was losing my mind in pleasure. I couldn't think of anything at all, just their cocks inside me. "You're being such a good girl," emotionless Mel praised, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and started pounding me harder. Real Mel joined him in grabbing my hair and fucked my mouth harder, "You love choking on my cock, don't you? You look so pretty with it in your mouth," he purred. The tension in my core rose exponentially until I could no longer hold back, my body tensed substantially, my moans were depraved. I gagged when the real Meliodas shoved his dick as far inside my mouth as he could to cum down my throat, his two clones creamed my pussy and ass simultaneously. Each of them thrusted slowly a few more times before finally removing themselves from my body. Meliodas dissipated his clones before climbing over the top of my body and kissed my lips sweetly. I grinned up at him, "Adding emotionless you was a good touch this time," I commented. He giggled and kissed me harder, "I figured you'd like him joining us."

"Ali, Meliodas. Now that you're done, you should come to the throne room. Tristan just arrived..." we heard my dark haired lover's apprehensive voice in our heads. We cleaned ourselves up hurriedly and rushed to the throne room. My sons, Tristan, and Zeldris were waiting. "Yo, Tristan. What's up?" my blonde lover asked his firstborn as we walked in. I made eye contact with all the men in the room, landing lastly on Rin. "It's time, isn't it?" I asked all of them quietly, my heart started racing. Azy nodded, "Tristan just informed me that Arthur has moved troops towards Liones, the Fairy King's Forest, and more are heading here." Zeldris rolled his eyes, "They're in for a rude awakening if they attempt to cross over here." Tristan looked at his uncle, "Uncle, I believe the chaos staffs Arthur has granted his Holy Knights allows them to-" Ror'an slammed the door open suddenly, "King Azriel, they're here! Father and I have mobilized a quarter of the demon army as well as the vampires." Meliodas, Zeldris, and I instantly locked out our emotions, Azriel looked at Ror'an, "Get the children and elderly to the underground safe houses. Keep a close eye on Lenny, Azy, and Elyas. All three of my children are too much like me and I wouldn't put it past them to try to follow the army," he ordered. Ror'an nodded and took off.

"Tristan, there's another portal to Britannia that comes out near the Danafor crater. Head back to Liones and help there. Be careful, I love you," Meliodas told his firstborn who gave his father a small smile. "I love you too, Father. Please be careful as well," Tristan replied before leaving quickly. Mira came barging in, "I'm fighting I don't care what you-" she started to argue before I cut her off, "Stay here and protect those that can't protect themselves. Please, Mira. You're one of the strongest fighters we have and it'd make me feel better if you were here." She scowled but eventually smiled, "Okay Momma. I'll protect them." I hugged her tightly, followed by Meliodas, "We love you, Mira." She grinned, "Love you too, Momma, Daddy." Azriel looked at his brothers and parents, "I'll have the portion of our army already at the front lines clear out the invaders, Dezran and Ror'an should be there as well. Half of the army will go with you, the remaining quarter will stay and protect the realm if Arthur sends reinforcements." I went through and squeezed all my sons in tight hugs, "This is it boys. Protect each other over your Dads and I. You're our number one priority. We'll be protecting you over each other as well. We love you all more than you can imagine." They smiled softly, "We love you too, Momma, Dad, Uncle." I sighed heavily, my lovers each took one of my hands, "Let's go."

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now