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Chapter 22 Traveling to the twenty-second day of Interstellar and reaching a cooperation...

Half an hour later,

Lu Yuan was taken for a full-body examination just after getting off the aircraft at Base A and before entering the base.

This examination was not aimed at her, because Lin Heng, as the commander, also needed a full body examination.

The inspection of base A is far stricter than that of the school, and the inspection process alone took five minutes.

After checking that his identity was correct, Lu Yuan finally entered Base A.

Lin Heng took her to the landing area of ​​the spacecraft. Soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor could be seen everywhere along the way. Even the well-informed Lu Yuan couldn't help but look at this strange outfit.

It looks exactly the same as the mecha style, but I don't know how it will work. About to enter the landing area, Lin Heng, who was leading the way, stopped suddenly. He turned to look at Lu

Yuan, and said, "Before landing on the spaceship, I want to take you to meet someone."

It is not surprising that it is a very bold act in itself for a person with doubtful identity to confirm her identity through supplementary information recording, participate in military missions, and even enter a military base. The other party must be very interested in her.

Lu Yuan casually asked: "Who?"

"General Qi Ji."

Lin Heng stared at her intently, as if he wanted to see some clues from her face.

It's a pity that Lu Yuan didn't respond, she knew who this General Qi Ji was.

——The famous "Miracle General", the leader of the main combat faction of the military. Twenty years ago, he led a fleet to drive back the insect swarm and saved a planet that was on the verge of becoming a desert.

This is the first time that humans have successfully driven back the swarm in the long war against the Zerg.

Qi Ji became famous in the first battle, he made the people of the Thirteen-Star Region see hope, and therefore he was called "Miracle General".

Because of his existence, the children born in the past twenty years are not as afraid of the Zerg race as their elders, but instead have a high spirit of resistance and conquest.

Not paying attention to Lin Heng's observation, Lu Yuan nodded slightly, "Lead the way." Lin Heng's

face was strange when he heard this natural and casual attitude, he pursed his lips, and took Lu Yuan away without saying anything. Private meeting room.

Since leaving school, Lu Yuan seems to be too lazy to pretend to be an ordinary student.


In the reception room, Lu Yuan met the patron saint of the Thirteen-Star Region, the famous "Miracle General", Qi Ji.

Qi Ji looks about forty years old, his eyes are sharp and sharp, he is not angry, he is tall and strong, and his gestures and gestures are full of the aura of a superior that has been accumulated over time. Ordinary people will be shocked when standing in front of him. Subconsciously restrained, not daring to make mistakes at will.

Lu Yuan is used to seeing high-ranking people, even she herself is a well-known strong person in the world of cultivating immortals, facing Qi Ji, she is not at all afraid.

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