Here We Go

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A/n thank you to Brooks19978 for voting on my last chapter


"thanks again" i say, shutting the door on Sookie's car

"don't mention it hon" She responded smiling "do you have a place to stay yet?"

I shake my head "i was gonna ask Spencer, but..." i trailed off, looking at my shoes

"why do you need a place to stay?" Garcia asks

"um-my fathers in town, and i don't stay there when hes here" i mumble

She nods knowingly "well, you could come and stay with me, my couch i very comfy, and i always have food in my fridge"

"you sure?"

"of course" She says "just text me and ill come pick you  up here, ill be in an orange Cadillac"

I nod "thanks"

She smiles

I watch as they drive away, and i cross the road and knocking on the door

"un minuto!" someone yells from inside, i wait, and Cassie comes to the door, her long pink hair is soaking wet, and there is a fluffy white towel wrapped around her

"hey" she said "Come on"

I walk in, and she shuts the door

"what have i told you, chicka, about answering the door in your towel?" Someone said from the kitchen

"that its how i end up like you" she mumbles so her mother in the other room wont hear, she turns to me "lets go to my room"

I follow her up the grand staircase, and into a room with a baby pink door

I follow her up the grand staircase, and into a room with a baby pink door

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"wow" i said

Cassie smiles and walks to a door, i follow and we walk into her....well, 'closet' but, it certainly does not look like a...

well, 'closet' but, it certainly does not look like a

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"Boutique" i mumble


"your closet looks like a Boutique" i say, looking at her large collection of sunglasses

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