First Day

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"thats nice" mom told me when i sprayed whipped cream into my mouth

"thanks" i handed the can to Rory who was sitting on the outside couch, she was getting her nails painted, while i was sitting on the deck, reading

"so, why are you insisting on doing this?" rory asked

"well ,because you're going to be starting private school" mom said

"yes, but im going to be wearing shoes, nobodys going to see my feet" rory replied

"okay, but everybody knows that private school girls are bag, and bad girls always wear red nail polish" mom insisted, and continued painting rorys toe nails

"are you nervous?' mom asked

"about what?"

"about starting chilton"

"well i wasnt until i heard about all these bad girls" rory joked, we laughed

"You Guys! XTC, apple venus volume 2" lane screamed, running into the house

Mom jumped up

"but you only finished half my toes" rory whined

"who cares!? your going to be wearing shoes anyway!" mom said and ran into the house

"here, ill help" i said and sat where mom was sitting only seconds ago

"thanks" she put more whipped cream in her mouth

"are you exited?' she asked

"to start a new school? yeah, i guess" i answered, dipping the brush into more red nail polish

"do you think your gonna meet any new friends?" she asked

"i dont know, i feel like most people will be total brats, but i dont know" i shrugged

"hey, tomorrow morning, can you do my hair?" she asked

"and makup?"

"i dont know..." rory said

"please please! i swear it wont be anything crazy! just mascara, and light lipstick"


"eeeeeh! your my favorite sister" i squeeled

"im your only sister" she rolled her eyes


"Rory, can you go get mom, i think she's still asleep" i said to rory, who was sipping coffee in the kitchen

"kk" she got up and marched upstairs

I had my light blue button up shirt, my plaid skirt, long black socks, my tie thing, and my blue short sweater

"Its 7:18!" Rory yelled coming downstairs

Rory and i waited at the stairs for mom to come down

"its 7-" rory started when she saw mom coming down the stairs

"dont even thing of finishing that sentence" mom said

she was wearing denim shorts, and a pink shirt

"what?" she asked

"nothing, i just didnt know the rodeo was in town" i mummbled

"all right thats it, im bringing the baby pictures" mom said, and took a picture of the mantel of me as a baby

"no! im sorry! i love the rodeo, the rodeo rules!" i yelled chasing her out the door


"i remember it being smaller" rory said, sitting in the front seat

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