Ok, Bye Max

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"Hows the squab?" Grandma asked

"its good?" Rory and i replied

"really terrific Mrs.Gilmore" Noah replied from beside me


"its the best tiny weird bird thing i have ever eaten"

"im glad" Grandma said and turned to rory and i

"Why are you smiling like that?" Mom asked

"like what?" i asked

"What are you talking about?" Grandma asked confused

"You're smiling."

''I'm happy."

"That's not your "I'm happy" smile" Mom insisted

"Well what smile is it Lorelai?"

"That's your "I've got something on Lorelai" smile'' i rolled my eyes

"Rory, Lory  your mother must be very tired."

"She works a lot" i said

"I grew up with that smile - I know that smile."

Noah looked at me and raised an eyebrow, i shrugged

"Tell me about school"

"Well, my French final went pretty well."

"i got a 100% on my french final" i said, looking at rory

"You can't change the subject. I know the smile."

"Whatever you say dear."


"Mom i have to go, its almost 8 O'clock!" Rory yelld

"good luck getting out of here on time" i said as i put on my shoes, Noah did the same

"shut up" she snapped

"Wait, have you seen my orange suede clip chingy!" She yelled

"its in your sock drawer!" i yelled

"tell me, why do we have to avacuate the house again?"

"Mr.Medina's coming over" i said

"our teacher?"

I nod "Moms got a bit of a thing going on with him"

The doorbell rings, and i look out the peepwhole

"max is here!" i announce, checking my bag one last time to make sure i have my sketch book, i do

"its 8 oclock, who shows up at 8 for an 8 o'clock date?" Mom asked, walking down the stairs

"i dont know, maybe a chiltion teacher" rory said

"everybody knows that 8 o'clock means 8:20 or 8:15 tops!'

"well obviously, he was raised in a barn" i said

"i tell you, hes cute, but this puncuality thing have knocked 10 points off the dream guy quotient" Mom said

"maybe 8, not ten" i tell her

"mom what do i do? im not even supposed to be here"

"ok so go" Rory turns to leave

"oh wa-wawait, you have to get the door"


"yeah, because im not ready"

"Im leaving!" i say, i take Noahs hand and walk out the door

"Mr.Medina" i say "Hello"

"Scarlett, Hello, nice to see you Noah"

"likewise sir"

"is your mother ready?" He asks

"not quite"

He nods

"what are your plans tonight?" He asks

"Were heading to my studio, get some dresses started"

"right, you design clothes"

I nod

"well, we should go, bye Mr.Medina" i say

"why dont you call me max" he says

i think for a moment "ok, bye max"

"bye Scarlett, Bye noah"

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