Vines and Pizza

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A/N: just btw, this is what a Privacy screen looks like, well, atleast in Scarlett's room:

A/N: just btw, this is what a Privacy screen looks like, well, atleast in Scarlett's room:

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"are you sure you dont want to come with mom and lane?" Rory said as i helped her choose an outfit

"i'll pass" i said, holding up a purple jacket, she shook her head

"come on, it can be you, me, mom, lane, and holly" Rory insisted

"no, Holly's coming to see the treehouse" i said, and held up small hoops, to her ears

"no, no im not wearing those" she shook her head

"hey, you walked into my room, begging and pleading for me to help you pick out an outfit, and now, your rejecting my advice?" i said, and pouted

"you know me, S, i dont like stuff like that" she said

"S, you havent called me that since we were, what, 6" i replied

"Yeah, hey we should start that again, everyone said it was cute"

"okay, R, how about this?" i handed her a bundle of clothes, she took them and went behind my privacy screen

I sat at my desk in my design corner, and started working on a blanket ive been working on for awhile

"Hows this?" Rory asked, stepping out from behind the curtain

She was wearing blue jeans, with a black spaghetti-strap top, with a white heart on it

"are you gonna give me a sweater, its pretty cold outside" she said

"oh Rory, were not even close to being done" i took her hand and yanked her downstairs into her bedroom

"sit" i said, and she sat on her bed

"first. shoes" i said and looked through her closet

"Lory, why are you doing this?" she questioned

"you got to have shoes, Rory, its just common sence" i replied. looking at a pair of converses

"i mean, why do you insist on helping me with everything"

"you asked me to help you pick out an outfit, remember?" i handed her a pair of blue converse

"an outfit, not my hair, makeup and jewlery, which i wasnt going to bother with anyway" she tied her lases

"Dean" i said


"that cute boy you went walking with, if you see him, i want you to look cute" i said, and gave her a pair of fake pearl stud earings to put on

"why, why do you care"

"listen, i thought id be the first one to get a boyfriend. no offence, but since you did, im gonna be supportive, and help in everyway humanly possible" i put a small butterfly necklace around her neck

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