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thank you to DaniRome009 for being the first to vote on my latest chapter 'Calling It Off'


"wow" Spencer says from beside me, i glance over at him and see the blanket covering his naked body "that"

I play with the hem of the blanket covering my body

"you ok?" He asks

I nod

"Scarlett" Not red, Scarlett


"whats wrong?"

"nothing" i say, still fiddling with the hem of the blanket "that was just my first time" i mummbled



"no, Red, i didnt hear what you said" he quiped, turning my head with his hand "you mummbled"

"i said that it was my first time"

His cute hazel doe eyes widened

I looked down at my hands, embarrassed out of my mind

"theres no need to be embarrassed" he says quickly, reading me like a book

I shake my head "embarrassed? me? pshhhh"

"the only reason for you to be embarrassed is if you regret it...." he says, now playing with the hem of the blanket

I sit up, and look at spencer "i dont regret it, but, uhm, do,do you?"

He shakes his head rapidly "not in the slightest"


"good" he repeats

I lean up and kiss him, when i pull away his eyes were closed, i sit back down and fiddle with my hands

"uh, do you mind if i-uh, take a shower?" He asks

"not at all" i say, He gets up, naked body and all, and walks to the bathroom

I whistle before he walks into the bathroom, he shakes his head and opens the door, i turn to look out the window and hear it shut

I look around the room and see our clothes spread out on the floor, i put on my bra and underwear, along with Spencer's white-grey plaid button-up, and his tie hung loosely around my neck

Do i regret what happened?

No, not at all

Do i wish my first time was somewhere else than a hotelroom?


Do i wish it was with someone else?

Fuck no


''okay, thank you" i said, hanging up the roomservice phone

Spencer walks back into the bedroom with a towl wrapped around his waist

He stops dead in his tracks when he sees me sitting on my knees in his shirt

"what?" i ask "is there somthing on my face?"

He shakes his head

"what is it?"

"my shirt"

I stand up and do a little spin "like?"

"love" he says with a cheeky smile on his face "what am i gonna wear"

"i saw a hoodie in your S.U.V"

"okay, what are you gonna wear under?"

"nothing" i reply "also, foods on its way"

"you have to wear somthing"

I shake my head "nope, the shirt goes down far enough"

He looks at me, one eyebrow raised, but he shakes his head and falls back-first onto the bed

"do you want me to go get you the hoodie?" i asked, ruffling his yet hair

"no, its ok, ill get it when were in the car" he says, i nod

Someone knocks on the door, i spring up and go over to open it, there stands a guy holding a tray

"thank youu" i said, taking the tray gently

He looked me up and down "you all alone here honey?"

Spencers hand wraped around my waist

"no sir" I said, leaning into the guy behind me ''thanks for checking though"

The guy gives me a tight liped smile and walks away

I shut the door and put the tray on the bed, i hop on and open the lid to the bowl, the room fills with the smell of rice and noodles

Spencer sits down opposite me, and opens his, i rip open the package for the chopsticks, and hand them to Spencer

I open my own and start eating

Glancing up, i see him struggle to use the chopsticks

"you okay?"

He nods repeatidly "ya of course"


I keep eating my noodles, if hes too full of himself to ask for help, then so be it

"hey Red" he says, 12 minutes later, im almost finished my noodles and rice

"yes Spencey" he gives me a weird look at the nickname

"can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, i say, taking a sip of the coffee that i ordered with the chinease food

"will you feed me?"

My head shoots up from my coffee, suprise filling my eyes

"sorry, w-what?"

"can you feed me?"

"any particular reason?" i question, waiting for him to admit he dosent know how to use chopsticks

"my hands hurtttt" he whines

"from what? you havent even did anything" i say, with a long sip of my coffee

He raised an eyebrow "did you already forget what we did, what, twenty minutes ago?"

I rolled my eyes "your arms really hurt"

"So, so bad" he says, pretending to wince

"fine" i take my chopsticks and pick up some noodles with them

"open" i say, he opens his mouth and i drop the noddle in, he closes his eyes and mouth and chews and moans

I shake my head with another sip of my coffee

"more please" he says, i drop more noodles in his mouth and he does the same thing

I feed him until all his rice and noodles are gone

"good boy" i joke, i look at my watch, then outside, its dark "do you want to get back?"

"sure" he says, we clean up the hotel room, spencer gets dressed and we leave the building

We get in the car, Spencer driving, and my in the pasenger seat, i pass him the grey sweater, he takes it gratefully and puts it on over his head, he puts the hood down and slicks his hair back with his hand

"you know, you'd look cuter without your hair tucked behind you ears" i said, fluffing his hair, he shreiks and fixes his hair

"sorry sorry" i say, shaking my head laughing

"my hair is fine, thank you" he siad, then thinks for a moment "wait, im not cute?"

I shake my head and giggle as i look at him "i never said that, i said cuter"

"so i am cute?"

I nod and look over at him as he starts driving, he smiles to himself

"what are you smiling for?"

He giggles like a little boy "im cute"

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