Baby, Its Cold Outside

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Thank you to TheRedWidow_A for voting on the last chapter, kisses <3


"i really wish you'd change your mind" Rory said from the kitchen

"for the last time, grandma dosent want her there" i rolled my eyes

Mom and i were in the living room, i had my back to mom, who was sitting on the couch tying the bow on the back of my dress

I sewed the dress myself, and it looked like this

I sewed the dress myself, and it looked like this

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Paired with some knee high-heels

"i dont think she meant it" Rory said

"oh she meant it" mom mummled, brushing my hair

"well, maybe she thinks she meant it at the time, but i bet she wont mean it later when i show up there without you" Rory said

"and without a map to follow that reasoning i say, take a hat, its cold outside"

when mom finished my hair, i walked up to my room and picked up the box wrapped in dark green wrapping paper

As i walked downstairs, i heard Rory talk

"shes just been a prick the past couple weeks" Rory mummbled to mom

I scoffed and walked outaide, and got into my car, i put the keys in the ignition and locked the doors, i clicked a button and the hood rolled up

She walked out, holding grandmas present, she walks to the passenger side door, and trys to open it

"its locked" she said, through the window

i nodded "i know"

"unlock it"

"hmmm, no"


"find your own way there" i backed out of the driveway, ad before i left, i rolled the hood down and yelled "your the prick!"

then drove out

When i got to Grandmas out, i parked my car, rolled the hood up, got out and locked it

"Hello princess" Grandma said as she opened the door

"hello grandma" i smiled, hugging her

"wheres rory?" She asked

"she didnt want to catch a ride with me"

Grandma nodded, and i handed her the present

"happy christmas"

"how thoughtful, ill put it under the tree-"

"actually, can you open it now?" i asked

Grandma smiled "okay?"

She carefully unwrapped the paper, and opened the white box that it was in

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