I Do

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A/N: Thank you to Aree20083 For all the votes<3 love ya


everyone clapped and Noah and i stood up

I walked over to dean

"hey" i said



"your singing, wow" He said


"here" he hands me the boxes of candycanes

i take them "thanks again"

"jusr out of curiosity" He says "why'd you need them?"

I shurg "maybe i just wanted to see you"

He smiles and shakes his head "you could have just texted"

"you know me, i like to complicate things"

He laughs

Rory walked over "dean!"


"hey, why are you here?" She askes

"he came to bring me these" i gesture to the candycane boxes

"oh, ok" She looks back at Dean "want to go for a walk?"

"Sorry, i have to get back to the store"

"oh ok"

"i owe you" I tell him, winking

"ill hold you to that"

Dean turns to leave

"Dean" i say

He turns around

"drive safe, baby its cold outside"

He laughs

"goodbye Lory"

Then he left

I walked back to the living room and opened one box and hung some candycanes on the tree

"what did you do" Rory asked

"what are you talking about?"

"you know what"

"i know im smarter than you Rory, but i can read minds" i snap at her

She rolls her eyes "ill find out"

"theres nothing to find out"

''you've always been a liar" She spits

"you've always been a baby" i contour

She walks away

"drama queen" i mummble


"come on in" Noah says as i approach there house


I lugged the garment bags and my bookbag through the door

"you can go up to my moms room, first one on the left" He told me, i nodded and walked up the stairs

it was the day of the wedding, a nice day, pretty warm, no clouds and lot of sun

The ceremony starts at 6, but i had to get here acouple hours earlier

Rose was in her bedroom sitting at her vanity, big curlers in her hair

"Morning Rose" i say, laying the garments bags on her king sized bed

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