"Im Really Proud Of You"

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Thank you to bluedevils3 for all the votes! Love you <333


We got into a A limo and we drove to the beach

"why are we here?" i asked

"the beach house" Noah replied from beside me

We got out of the limo, and Noah grabbed my hand when he saw his new-dad stepping out of the other limo

he let go, and We got led into the beach house, then into the backyard of the beach house

he let go, and We got led into the beach house, then into the backyard of the beach house

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Since it was close to winter, it was already getting dark, and it was only like 7

"hey, honey, im gonna head home, do you want me to come pick you up in a bit?" Mom said, approching me

"Holly wanted to know if i could sleep over at the beach house, maybe stay the weekened?"

"ya of course, ill see you when i see you" she kisses my head

"wait, we have to throw the bouquet" Rose said

"come on mom" i say, and we walk over to all the girls waiting to catch the bouquet

Rose throws it, and it lanmds in moms hands

Mom smiles, looking at the bouquet "know i really have to go" She says, and gets in the limo, and the driver drives her away

Noah, Holly and i sit down at a table

Rose and William takes there first dance, when its over, Noah gets up and extends his hand

I roll my eyes, but take my eyes

He guides me to the dance floor, and we dance, Everyone joins and we dance in rythm

After the song, We all sit down at our tables, Rose and william joins us

Rose and William both do a speech, and at the end of Rose's speech, she says "and thank you to the wonderful Scarlett Gilmore for this jaw-dropping dress, it is the most perfect thing, ive ever seen"

Everyone claps, and Rose nuges me to stand up, i stand and wave akwardly, and everyone clapped more

After i sat down it was time to eat

Noah was on my left, Rose on my right, William beside Rose, and Holly beside Noah

I took a drink of my water, when William spoke

"so, Noah, your dating Ms.Gilmore" He asks

I almost choke on my water "um n-"

"yes" Noah inturupts me, taking my hand in his "we are"

Holly raises her eyebrows, Rose smiles

"oh how perfect" She says, clapping her hands together

"congradulations" William says "you've finnaly found a girl who can stand your ignorence"

Noah tightened the grip on my hand

"all your other girlfriends were, lets just say, not easy on the eyes" He says "atleast now i know you have standards not too low, but, obviously not to high"

William chuckles into his water

"i happen to think Scarlett is beautiful, thanks" He snaps

"as do i" Rose said, smiling at me, i mirrored it

"how long have you been together?" William asks

"a couple weeks"

"you dont know what date?" He asks

"it was a saterday, December 1st" I tell them

Noah smiles at me and kisses my cheek, i could feel the blush rising to my face

"oh look, theres Lily William, i have to go say hi, ill be right back" i say

I let go of his hand, and walk off from the table, Lily was at the snack table

"Hello" i said

"Scarlett! ive been meaning to talk to you" She says

Lily was wearing a knee length black dress with a slit

"the dress you made for Rose" Lily starts

I put my hands behind my back, crossing my fingers

"is absalutley beautiful"

I let out a breath i had no idea i was holding

"absalutley to die for"

"thanks, that means alot to hear you say that"

"can you start on monday?" She asks

"ya, uh, of course"

"great, ill pick you and Eric up after school on monday"

I nod

She goes to walk away, then looks back at me

"im really proud of you"

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