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A/n: thank you so much to Mickeyromo09

The rest of the car ride was silent, ever so often i could see Noah looking at me, but when i look at him, he faces the road

He parked the car behind a brick buidling with a neon arrow pointed to the side of the building

"this is the club your cousin works at?" i question, adjusting my ponytail in the mirror

"yup, this is it" he gets out of the car and i follow, hearing the click behind me as he locks it

He walks fast, i have to pick up my pase to catch up to him "and your sure he'll let us it?"

"of course he will" Noah says running a hand through his hair "i did him a favor acouple months ago, he owes me"

"blackmail?" i ask

He scoffs "hardly"

We round to the back and walk down a flight of stairs

Noah opens the door, and im instantly hit with a wiff of whiskey

We walk in but a big, tall dark man dressed in all black with a buzz cut steps in our way

"ID?" The man asks

"is CJ here?"

The man gives noah a look and says "stay here" before dissapering into the back

"isnt this illegal?" i whisper, spotting a tall man walk out from where the tall man walked in

"only if you get caught little minx" he whispers back, chills run up my spine at the nickname

"hey, cousin" the man who i assume is CJ says, shaking hands with Noah

"long time, no see" Noah repsonds

Cj looks me up and down, a smile creeping on his tan face

"whos the babe?" Cj whispers to Noah, i pretend not to hear, and instead study the people i see walking into the door lined in led lights that flash the rainbow

"my girlfriend" Noah responds, not in a whisper or anything, loud and clear for everyone in the tiny room to here

"you got yourself a hottie"

"i know"

Heat rises to my cheek as i make eye contact with noah

"Anyway" he starts "can you get us in?"

CJ nods "of course i can"

He opens the door with the LEDs, and leads noah and i in


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