Spend The Night With Me

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thank you to clynchhhhhhh for voting on the last chapter <333

Also, please comment and vote, i love reading your guy's comments and responding to them, i also love your input<3


"Reid, since you're more there age, why dont you do the talking?" Hotch asked spencer

"why cant Scarlett do it? shes younger" he says, picking up a lightbulb

"because, shes drinking her coffee"

"shes right here" i mumble, standing beside Hotch as Reid rambles to the students

"Ahem. Hi-- hi, guys. Uh, my name's, uh, Dr. Spencer Reid. I'm a, uh, agent with the-- the B.A.U., the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the F.B.I., which, um, it used to be called the B.S.U., the Behavioral Science Unit, but not anymore. They changed it to the B.A.U. Um, it's part of the N.C.A.V.C., the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime which is also part of this thing called the C.I.R.G., the Critical Incident Response Group, and--"

"what my friend is trying to say, is we'd love to know how you could help us" i said, inturupting him

"may i please, thank you" Reid hands the young boy the lightbulb, and he holds it up, showing it to everyone

"see this, drill a hole in the side, fill it with gasoline or whatevers ood and flammable. Turn the light on, Boom. That is what went down, didnt it?" The boy questions, his names Jeremy

One of the girl students speaks up "the stuffs all over the net, wanna know how to make a molotov cocktail that sets itself on fire? Potassium, sulfur...and normal sugar, sugar-sugar which is-" Jeremy inturupts her

"is that Reids shirt?" Hotch whispers down to me, i fiddle with the tie, and nod

"sugar from the supermarket" the girl says

"but you dont need to be a chem major to know that" i say

"do you think its a chem student?" Zhang asks, i shrug

"you wanna know what i think? I think..." he holds the lightbulb in front of his head "it woulc be a good time to take the semester off" then he hands it back to spencer


We walk into the Elavator, and Jeremy puts a key into the elavator control panel "hold on, you need a key to get movin' after 10:00PM"

"so what are you still doing here?" Hotch asks

"i came in to work on other projects, you know how to solve the 3 body problem?" Jeremy says and starts explaning it to hotch, as he talks spencer nods

"smartass" i mummble to spencer once the elavator door opens

"him or me?" he quips

"the lot of you" i answer, walking infront of him


the next day, Spencer and i sit against a tree, coffee in my hand, i just got off the phone with my mom, she couldnt care less about me missing school

Gideon is walking along the grass, pacing almost

"what is th unsub is one of the students leaving?" Reid asks

"no hes not done yet" Gideon almost mummbles

"keep thinking" i tell him

"you mean, out-outside the box? thats what morgans alwats telling me, he says thats why i can never beat you at chess" Rei says to Gideon

"well, hes probably right" Gideon replys

"or you just suck" i whisper, but Spencer ignores me

"but i mean, in this siuation, what exactly is the box?"

"the standard profile of a serial arsonist, if everything you know goes in the box whats left" Gideon says

"like, for example" i say "it could be a girl, you never know"

"sometimes you haver to get creative, even if you thinks it utterly unlikely you have to think of things nobody else thought of" Gideon says

"Like a stutter"

"yeah, exactly"


Morgan talks on the phone with Garcia, and  im sitting on the floor, my back against the wall, half asleep

"moost definetley sweetness..with Reid" Reid looks up from the computer at the mention of his name and Morgan laughs

"hey reid, garcia says its not 'KAren; its actually somthin' more like-"

Gideon rushes into the room and stares at the whiteboard "charown"

"Charown?" I ask

"Charown i do it because of Charown"

"thats hebrew" Reid says

"its gods word in anger" Gideon says


Elle walks in carrying food in plastic containers

"the motive is now religous?" She asks

"Well, you know in a lot of religons, god is related to fire"

"Well, Brahman is fire in Hinduism, and the Jews see God as a pillar of fire, and Christians worship God as a consuming fire" Hotch says

"ok, so werel ooking for a theology major" Morgan says

"my moneys on that girls that kept saying sugar" i mummble

"what why?" Morgan asks

I shrug "she looks suspisous"

"are you drugged?"

I shake my head "tireddddd"

Elle throws Reid a container of food, he catches it and stares at it

"maybe he's punishing the other students for there sins"

"i dont want this" Reid says, i hold my hand out and he gives me the container of food, its a garden salad

I dont pay attenion as i eat my salad, soon i drift off when everyone is talking


"man you got to get over here and see this, the kitchens on fire" i hear someone say, maybe over a radio? a recording maybe

I blink open my eyes and see Reid sitting at the computer watching that recording off the building fire

He stops the recording and rolls around in the chair, he then gets up and earases all te stuff on the whiteboard, i take my chance and take his seat in the comfy-red-spinny-chair

Gideon comes in and says somthing to him, and then walks out, Spencer turns back to me and stands behind me, and rewatches the video

"its that girl who kept saying sugar" i said in my sleepy voice

"wanna bet?" He quips

"sure reid" i mummbled

"okay, tomorrow night, ill come pick you up and we'll go to a restuarnt" he says


"if its not who you think it is, you pay" he says

"and if im right?"

"then ill pay, and..." He starts


"you come spend the night with me"

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