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A/n: thank you to Shirls89 for being the first to vote on my last chapter<333

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When i walk out of the elevator, Elle and someone that works in the office, Anderson, walks into the other Elevator

"night Elle" i say "night Gilmore"

I walk into the conference room, and taped on the board is a peice of paper with a bunch of numbers

"Ever would it be night, but always clear day to any man's sight" Spencer says from his seat, hes staring at the paper

"not again with the damn poem from the music box, please" Morgan says, rubbing his eyes

"there's something familiar about it" he mummbles

"i thought you had a photographic memory" i said, sitting beside Morgan

"Eidetic memory, and that's primarily related to things I read. Like I said, this is something I think I've heard." Spencer says

"which leaves us....?"

"absolutely nowhere" I say, leaning back in my chair

Morgan looks at me and frowns "no school girl uniform?" 

I shake my head and look down at my black skirt and my silk red shirt, and look back at him "not today"

"Aww, i kinda miss it"

I laugh "save it for Garcia, barf"

He smiles, then looks back at Spencer


I walk out of the confrence room alongside Hotch, and we see Anderson, sitting at his desk

"Anderson?" i question, isnt he supposed to be with Elle?

 "Where's agent Greenaway?" Hotch asks, angrily

"Sir? "

"I told you to take her home."

" I dropped her off half an hour ago." Anderson said, fiddling with a pencil on his desk

" Take her home does not mean drop her off. We're dealing with an unsub who has all of our personal information, including our home addresses. Get back over there now." Hotch damands

 "But... "



'Possible Book Titles' was written on the whiteboard by Spencer

"thousands of books published every year" i say, putting my feet on the table and crossing them at the ankle "how are we gonna find one particular book?"

"its impossible" Hotch says

I shake my head "its obviously not impossible, he wouldnt go through all this trouble, building a code if we cant find the book"

"th book has to be the right volume and the right publication date, or the code wont work right?" Morgan says


"when you talk about Bellie Fox, its in regards to the 1959 white Sox" i say to gideon

"and the book you got Gilmore" Spencer says "whats the publication date?"


"there you have it" Morgan

i check my watch, its after midnight, and i feel my stomach turning

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