Donna Reed Night

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"hello?" i say, pressing my phone to my ear, putting green jello into my shopping cart

"hey, your coming over with me to Babette's house, right?"

I nod, then realize she cant see me "yup, need me to pick up anything else?"

"i think that's about, is Spencer coming?"

"yup" I walk up to the cash register, and start unloading my stuff "he'll be there, five minutes after me"

"when will you be in?"

"3 minutes"

"i'm starting a timer-"

"no no no!" i holler, startaling a few people behind me, as the cashier scans my lazy item "i'm not out of the store yet"

"you have 5 seconds" she says "5"

"here" i hand the cashier a twenty "keep the change"


I take put my items into my book bag


I scoop it up and run out the door


Then i realize i left the jello,  i run back in and grab it off the Cashier counter, and run outside

"1'' She says "see you in 3"

I hang up, stuff it in my pocket as i run, and run as fast as i can all the way to Babette's

When i get there, Rory's standing in the window, shes tapping her watch, i shake my head, and walk inside

She has an orange house-wife dress layed out on the couch, along with one of my garment bags

"is the steak in?" i ask, taking off my shoes and putting on the red heels

"yup, its done"

I nod, take my garment bag, and walk into the bathroom, and change into my dress

I tie a white bow around my waste, and move it to my back, i put a matching bow in my hair

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I tie a white bow around my waste, and move it to my back, i put a matching bow in my hair

Walking back into the kitchen, i see Rory look out of the window, i put on my little apron, and peak out the window, Spencer and Dean were there, talking

"show time" i say, and walk with Rory outside

"uh, what the-" Dean says, looking surprised, Spencer beside him, looks me up and down, with his mouth open

"Honey, your home" Rory and i say in unsion, like we desciussed

They just stand there, speechless

"say something" Rory says, looking un-sure

"Trick or treat?" Dean says, joking? maybe

"you don't like it?" 

"No, i do, its-uh- its got a large circumference" He says, i look at Spencer, his eyes traveling my legs, and up to my waist, my arms and my face, then back to my legs, i feel a shiver run up my spine

"thank you, now come on it, its cold outside" Rory says, and dean follows her inside

I take a step off the deck and stand with only a foot between us

"Hello" i say, holding my hands behind me back, and swinging back-and-forth on my heels


"you ok?"

"ya, um, of course" His eyes look from my dress back to my eyes "you look-"


"no, you look beautiful" he corrects, and leans down and kisses my cheek

"thank you" i mummble, and take his hand, and guide him inside, Dean was already sitting down, and Rory was setting the plates down

I lead Spencer to the table, and i sit opposite him, Rory sat on one side, with Dean on the other side

For supper, was Steak, green beans (from a can) and mashed potatoes (from a box) and i managed to snag some wine

I took a sip of my wine, and watched as Dean chowed down on his meal

"well?" Rory says after a bit

"what can i say?" 

"that its perfect" i cut in, with a spoon of green beans in my mouth drenched with salt & Butter

"its perfect" he says

"thank you" Rory accepts the compliment gratefully "but how is it really?"

"perfect" Spencer answers, sipping his wine


"i have never had anyone cook me dinner before, well, other than my mother, and believe me, this tastes nothing like my mothers"

"i'm glad to hear that" Rory quiped

"how about you, Spencer?"

"iv'e never had a home-cooked dinner before" he replies


"ya, my-my mother didn't cook much" he mummbled

"oh" i look down at my empty plate

Dean reaches for more mashed potato's, Rory stops him "wait wait, you want to save room for dessert, right?"

"oh, that's right" he retracted his hand "whats for dessert?"

"Lime Fantasy Supreme" I say, then i realize Spencer hasn't talked much

Rory goes on about rolls, and i take Spencer's hand and lead him outside, we sit on the porch steps

"whats wrong, Spencer?"

He looks at his shoes "Did you know Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe brain disorder that interferes with a persons ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others?" he does that thing where he gives me an awkward smile, and lets out a breath that sounds like kind of a chuckle


"its most commanly passed down by genes" 

I take one of his hands and give it a small squeeze "Spencer, your not gonna have Schizophrenia"

"you don't know that for sure" he sniffles

"your right, i-i don't, but, but i'm hoping"

He looks up at me, and i give him a kiss on the nose, he shuts his eyes and leans his head on my shoulder

Soon, Dean comes outside, taking the trash out, and then Luke comes out, i look at Spencer "Come on" i pull him up


"you'll see" i lead him inside, just as Rory walks outside, we look at the window, and watch mom walk out of the house, and they start talking, we can hear a bit of whats going on, and i can tell mom is teasing Rory

I look over at Spencer and we giggle 

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