Its A Plan

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The last bell of the day rang, while i was at my locker putting my homework in my bag

When i shut the locker door, my face was supriseingly close to his

"hey Eric" i said to the boy infront of me

"catch" Eric said, tossing me somthing wrapped in pink plastic

i unwrapped it to reveal my favorite junk-food

i split my popsickle in two, and handed one side to Eric

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i split my popsickle in two, and handed one side to Eric

"thank you ma'lady" he said, taking his half and licking it

We walked out of the school, and into the parking lot "are you driving me home sir?"

"if you'd like" He said, sitting in the drivers seat of his Dark Blue convertible

"i'd love" i said, hopping in the passengers seat

as we passed the bus, i saw Rory sitting  in the back, a book in her hand

she looked over and saw me, she waved at me and i waved back

We made a pit stop to get some milkshakes and cookies

Soon enough, we pulled up in the driveway of my house

Eric and i got out, our backpacks at our side

"want anything?" i asked Eric, as i opened the door, and walked into the kitchen, and plopped my bookbag on the ground

Eric followed, after hanging his bookbag on the coat rack "coffee?"

"of course" i turned on the coffee machine and got two mugs

"how was the brunch?" Eric asked, opening the fridge, and grabbing a tub of ice cream

"Sherbert eric" i told him, he nodded, putting away the ice cream, and replacing it with a tub of Sherbert, and sat down on at the kitchen table

"anyway, the brunch was good, i got this big binder with all the information about the wedding" i told him, pouring coffee into the two mugs

"any ideas on the dress yet?" Eric asked, i sat down beside him, and put his mug infront of him

"mhm, ive drawn alot of sketches, and i mean alot, but nothing has stood out yet" i put a spoon full of Sherbert in my mouth
"i think i might just flip through the book again, find some insparation" 

"dont worry, im 100% sure she'll love what you make her" Eric assured, sipping his coffee

"thanks" i said, with another bite of Sherbert

i heard the door open and then a voice "Lory, your bags on the floor" my mom called from the front door

"sorry mom" i yelled

Mom then entered "coffee" she said kissing my forehead

"um, im Lory, this is Coffee" i teased, giving her my coffee cup

"mhm coffee" She said

i laughed

"hey Eric" Mom said

"hey Ms.Gilmore"

"any plans this weekend Lory?" Mom asked, making her own cup of coffee

"im hanging out with Holly and my new friend on Saterday, and sunday im gonna hopefully start on the wedding dress" i answered, with another bite of Sherbert "why?"

"i want to go to this shoe sale this weekend, Rory already said she would go with me, but i have a feeling she isnt going with me" Mom said, sitting down opposite me

"why do you say that?" Eric asked

"she was here studying, to make a long story short, she left to go to Lane's" Mom explained

"ya sure, how about saturday, maybe my friends can come?"

"ya of course" she said, taking a spoon and eating some Sherbert "its a plan"

sorry for the short chapter, tomorow ill make a long one!

Remember: If you have any ideas, Please, please, please Private Message me, im opn to all ideas!

-GG_Malfoy <3


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