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I carried the heavy ass binder out of the classroom

i found my locker, put in my combanation, and opened it

The binder barely fit in there, and i shut the locker door

"hey mary" i heard a guy say, i turned around, to see the Guy talking to my ssiter

"me?" she asked

"yeah, you"

"my name is rory" she said

"im tristan"


"so, your new" Tristan asked

"year, first day" i said walking up to them

"and you are?" he asked

"Scarlett, but i go by Lory" i say, and stand beside my sister

"Remmy's class is rough" Tristan said

"yeah, it seemed very intence" rory admited

"i could loan you my notes, if that would help" tristan offered

"really? that'd be great" rory smiled

"yeah? how great?" he walked forward, pushing rory against the wall

"i dont know, Mr.Remmy said that getting someones notes would be-"

"i could even help you study if you want" he asked

"uh, i kind of view studying as a solitary activity, but thanks" rory said, shyly

"bye mary" tristan says and walks away

"Its rory" she says and walks away

I look at my schedule, i had a free period, i decided to go in the courtyard

As i sat on a cute little bench, i took out my book

Grandma gave me this book for my tenth birhtday, and ive used it ever since

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Grandma gave me this book for my tenth birhtday, and ive used it ever since

I opened up to the page i had bookmarked and looked over my work so far

It was a draft of what i wanted the front to look like, i want the back to look simple yet gorgouse, but i have no idea what color i want it to be

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

It was a draft of what i wanted the front to look like, i want the back to look simple yet gorgouse, but i have no idea what color i want it to be

I started sketching the back, when i heard humming

I looked up, a girl was sitting in the garden, tending to the plants

i got up, and sat down at the bench closer to her, and i watched her work

She was re-potting a small plant

She had long Light brown, almost blonde hair, she had her hair down and tucked behind her ear, rosy ted cheeks and light green eyes

"um, hi" she said

"im sorry, i didnt mean to stare" i appologised

"no worrys, im Holly" she said

"im Scarlett, but most people call me Lory" i replied

"are you new here?"

"yeah, first day"

"i would shake your hand, but i have dirt all over them" she said, getting up, and whipping her hands on a tissue

I shook her hand

"so, whats your thing?'' she asked


"yeah, what do you like doing?"

"oh, um, reading, drawling, design" i answered

"design like clothes?" holly asked


"thats really cool"

"thanks" i said, smilling "how about you?"

"i like gardening, swimming, anything outdoors"

"ive always wanted to grow my own garden, the closest thing i have to plants, is the vines i have in my tree house" i said

"real vines?" holly asked


"ive never seen real vines before" she said
"ive read about them sure, but not actully seen them"

"if your free today, you can come over after school"

"really, that'd be great"

"here, ill give you my adress" i wrote it down on as peice of paper i had in my pocket, and handed it to her


"no problem"


"hey, how are you?" i asked Rory as i shut my locker

"i didnt see you after lunch" rory whined

"i know, i hate how we dont have very many classes together" i said, and slinged my bookbag over my shoulder

"my day sucked" she replied

"oh yeah? on a scale from one to ten?" i questioned as we walked outisde

Mom was outside waiting, and rory dropped her bookbag and latched onto her like she was baring coffee, well ,she was

"i guess it was an eleven" i mummbled

"this whole plaid-skirt thing, my idea?" rory asked, still hugging mom

"my day sucked too" mom told her


"i swear on my mothers life" Mom said

"ha, that wouldnt take much to break" i said putting rorys bookbag in the backseat

"not yet" rory said when mom tried to pull away

"wheres my coffee?" i asked, seeing the two coffee cups on the bumper

"in the front seat. Luke would only give me too cups of coffee, he wouldnt belive me when i said it was for you girls" mom said getting in the drivers seat, and i got in the passengers seat, with rory in the back

"So, whats this?" i asked picking up the coffe cup in the cupholder

"tea, mint tea" she said pulling out of the school

"mhm, okay" i said taking a sip

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