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thank you to joce120 for commenting on my last chapter


When the private jet landed, we got off and my phone rung

"Lory where are you?!" she yells

"jease, no need to scream, im at an intern ship"

"i tryed calling you twenty times!"

"well sorry, you can really call on a plane" i told her, Gideon, morgan and Elle got into a parked black S.U.V, as Spencer Hotch and i got into another identical car

"plane?" she asked

"never mind, what did you want to tell me?"

Hotch started the car and Spencer buckled his seat belt, he gave me a look and gestured to my seat belt, i waved him off

"parents day was today, and paris caught mom and mr.medina making out in the classroom"

"damn" i said, looking at my nails

Spencer leaned over, got the seatbelt, and buckled it for me

I looked at him and he just shook his head and looked out the window

"and paris todl the whole school! now everyones laughing at me"

"With you, Rory" i said "remember, never at you, with you"


"just go find Holly, hang out with her"


"i have to go" i said "your cutting out"

Then i hung up and put my phone in my pocket

When we arrived on campus, we got out of the car

"no badges, i dotn want to satisfy the unsubs need for attention by letting him know he got the F.B.I here, try not to look offical" Gideon said, i threw my lanyard into the car before shutting the door

Elle, Morgan, Spencer and Hotch walked behind Giden

He looked back at us "try to look less offical" before walking into the building

"less offical" i mocked as we followed him in


"Obviously, I'd rather be meeting you under different circumstances. This is Fire Inspector Zhang." The dean of the school said

"This morning the chemistry department reported several bottles of highly flammable chemicals missing." zhang told Hotch

"I'm prepared to evacuate this campus." Dean turner announced

Gideon and Hotch hold open two doors for Turner  "Thank you."

"That brings with it its own problems" Hotch started

"You might evacuate the arsonist as well" says Gideon

I shift on my feet, bored

"Then the case goes unsolved, the campus is reopened, but the fires start up again" i say, looking at my nails

"hold on a second" Morgan says

Everyone stops talking.

"You said the chemicals were missing today."

"Uh-huh." Zhang says

"It says here that one of the previous fires was set with diesel fuel that disappeared from the grounds keeping facility. How long after it disappeared was the fire set?" Morgan asks

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