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A/N: thank you to Pookakw

We got to the studio, Noah parked the car, and i took the takeout box and the three coffees, and we walked to the studio

He opened the door for me "why thank you" i said, as we walked in

We stopped at Lily's office, and i peeked inside, she wasnt there, but i knew she was in the building cause her designer black leather purse witha gold clasp was on her desk

I set the coffee on her desk, along with a note that said my namr

I led noah to my studio, and i set our coffee and the takeout box on my desk

Noah gets comfortable on my sofa, and looks at me "so, your mom and madina?" he says

I nod, tossing my sketch book on the sofa and walking to my closet

"how serious is it?" i hear him ask

I stack dresses on my arm "they shagged acouple of times"

"thats the best kind of realationship" he jokes, as i walk back into the room

"ya?" i play along with his little joke

"definetley, no strings attached sex is the best"

I sit on the ground, his feet behind me, as i spread out acouple dresses i already have made, along with my sewing kit

"dont you agree?" he asks, playing with my hair

"yeah totally" i mummble, fixing the hem on a silky black dress

"you've never done it, have you?" He takes my hair out of the braid i had it in

"is it that obvious?" i ask

"no" he replies "this is why i was joking with you, i thought you had"

I nod to myself "i havent even had a boyfriend" i mummble

"now you do" he says, kissing my forehead

"this is all for show" i remind him

"even so" he starts "were treating each other like were really together right?"

"i wouldnt know" i start folding my already made dresses

"well i've dated" He finger brushes my hair "and let me tell you, Lottie, im treating you like an absalute queen"

"why?" I argue "this is all for show, we dont have to be all lovely dovey when no ones watching"

He moved so he was sitting on the left of me

"but baby" he said softly "i want to"

I stopped sewing and looked at him, his soft expressing making me feel safe

"you mean that?" i asked

"of course, Lottie" he smiles brightly "i want this to feel real to you, i want you to know how it feels to have a loving boyfriend"

I smiled at him "thank you"

"anytime" He kisses my nose and rests his forehead on mine

"i will treat you like the queen you are" He whispered

"thats so corny" i laughed

"only for you" he winked

"your cute" i said, kissing his nose

He adjusted the color of his shirt and smirked "why, thank you"

I shook my head

I got back to work on the dress, and Noah layed his head on my shoulder

Alittle bit later, Noah got up, and put my dresses on my desk, and got the coffee and takeout container

He sat down, and handed me my coffee, and set the takeout container infront of us

I opened it and took out a peice of bacon

"so, how long do we have to stay clear of the house?" Noah asked

"im actually not sure" i tell him

"we can go back to my house if you want"

"whatever you want" i say, eating a bit of bacon

"your my queen Lottie, its your desicion" he says

"if i make a choice will you stop?"


"then lets go"

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