Oppurtunity Taken

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"Eric" i whinned, struggling to carry the heavy box


"can you help me?" i asked, holding a box of clothes

Eric chuckled, "give me that" he took the box from me

"thank you, can you bring those to your car?"

"yeah, ill meet you down there?" he asked, gripping the box


With one last look, Eric desended down the stairs. i looked around the small room, covered with yellow paint, the small window with drawlings taped to it in the center of the wall, and my desk, cluttered with my sewing machine, fabric, markers and so much more

I sighed, and walked down the stairs


I opened the door for eric, and he stumbled in, and took a left to the living room

I followed, he carefully took out my clothes, neatly spreading them out amoung the couches, chairs, and the coffee table

"do you think she'll like them?" i asked, looking at my creations

"i think she'll love them" eric said and hugged me

"i hope so" i mummbled into his chest

I pulled away, and smiled, Eric, being taller than me, smiled down on me

"Sookies cakepops are still in the fridge, it would be bad to let them go to waist" Eric said

I laughed, and followed him into the kitchen, he took a pink box wrapped in a white bow out of the fridge

He carefully opened the box, reaviling the pink and blue cakepops topped with multi-colored sprinkles

Eric handed me a pink cakepop, and i took a bite

"mhm, vanilla" i hummed in delight

"sookie really is a great cook" Eric said, taking a bite of his blue cakepop

I nodded franticly in agreement

We finished our cakepops, when we heard a door open, Lily walked down the stairs, her reading glasses ontop of her head, and eric led her into the living room

I quickly washed the cake crums off my hands, drried them on a towel, and slowly walking into the living room

Lily was holding up a dress i had made

It was a long white dress, with a low neck, and lace arms

"i like this one" Lily said, i smiled

"i made that one for fun acouple of months ago, i just added the lace last week" i explained

"is this a wedding dress?" she questioned, out of the corner of my eye, i watched eric shake his head

"um, you could say so, i'd probably add more of a cape to the back, but yeah" i replied

She mummbled somthing while feeling the fabric, she placed it down carefully, and picked up a sweater

It was pastel green, with small daisys that popped out a little

She place it down, before picking up another dress

It was baby pink, tight on the chest, but loose going down, and on me, it went to just above my knees

"this is very nice" she said

"i have a baby blue one too" i added

"let me just say you know your way with a sewing machine" Lily complimented smiling

"actully, i did the pink one by hand" i corrected

"extrodinary" she mummbled

I smiled

"Scarlett, would you like to do me a favor?" she asked, setting the dress down gently

"yes of course" shit, i sounded a little to desprate

"one of my friends, shes getting married, and she cant seem to find someone to make a dress just the way she wants" Lily starts, i nod

"you seem to have a very, very unique way of styling, and my friend is very very very unique, i'll offer you this, if you make a dress to her liking, i will give you a part time job as a designer in my company" She said, very nicely

"i'd love to Mrs.William" i replied Happily

"great, ill give her your contact information, and you guys can get together over lunch sometime" Lily said, putting her glasses on and studying the white lace dress


"Oh and Scarlett, please, call me Lily"

Stars Hallow's PrincessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz