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A/n: thank you so much to @Marissalovesdraco for voting on my last part<3


My heart stopped, i quickly shoved the test in my bookbag, whipped away my tears, and walked out of the bathroom

"you okay, honey?" Holly said, i shook my head, crying, her face expression dropped "Lory-"

"i have to go, but-but ill call you later" she nods, gets up from her bed, walks over to me, and kisses the corner of my lips, she pulls away and smile "call me"

I nod, and race out the door, dialing the number of the taxi-cab company, and waited on the step, as soon as the yellow car pulled in the driveway, i hoped in and said the address, the whole ride there, i tugged on the sleeves of the blue B.A.U hoodie, and shook my legs

The car pulled into the parking lot, and i gave the man the money, and got out, i knocked frantically on the door,  the door flung open, and i could tell by the face he was making, he was confused by the sudden visit

"i'm-i'm sorry i didn't call, i-i just don't know where to go" i croaked out, hot tears running down my cheeks

"no need to apologize, please, come in" he gently pushed me inside and shut the door, he led me into the kitchen, where jack was sitting in the highchair, eating some noodles

"i-i didn't mean to intrude, this was a bad idea, maybe i should g-"

"sit" Hotch says sternly

I obey, and sit at the island, Hotch got up, and got me a glass of water, then sat opposite me

"whats up?" he asks, his hands folded in front of him

"i'm-i'm pregnant" i said shaking, was it a little weird he was the first person i told? yes, very, but i had an instinct to go talk to my father, but-well, Christopher isn't really what you'd call a father, so i thought "hm, who has been some-what of a father-figure for the time i met him?" Hotch, obviously, i mean, hes the one that held my hair back when i was puking my guts out, and he make me chicken soup

He blinked "w-what" 

Fresh tears coated my face as i nodded "i-i don't know what to do"

"do you know who the father is?"

I nod, i'm definitely not going to tell Hotch that Spencer was the father of my child, no way in hell,  especially because were co-workers

"my advice to you, is to call him, and meet up asap"

"and if-if he doesn't want it?"i stumbled over my words

"listen" he takes my hands in his "if he doesn't want it, i'll talk to hi, okay?"

I shook my head "you don't have to do that"

"i do" He stands up "ill drive you, come on"

We walk to his black S.U.V i get into the passenger set, as he gets in the drivers

"where to?"

"um, Stars Hallow? assuming you know where that is?"

"ahh, ya, i do, i drove Reid down here the other day, he said he wanted to go watch a movie or something" He said, i nod, knowing he was talking about three days ago, when Spencer and I went to the Black-White-Read bookstore, and watched a movie, we skipped most of the movie to go make-out in the bathroom of the bookstore

I dialed Spencer's number, and made sure that the volume was down

"hey" i said, looking down at my stomach, i cant believe there's a baby in there

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