Not For Long

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Rory can be so annoying sometimes, like, jease

After about an hour, i walked down to the kitchen, and there was a pizza box on the table

"when did this come?" i asked my mom who was looking in the fridge

"like, five minutes ago" She said

"so, still hot" i said, opening the box, every slice was perfectly cut evenly

i grabbed a plate and put a pizza slice on it, and plopped myself down in a chair

"do you want lemonade honey?" Mom asked


She nodded and started the coffe machine

I took a bite of my pizza

"can you do my a favor princess?" Mom said, handing me my mug of warm coffee

"sure, anything"

"can you go talk to rory? Shes really upset"

"anything.... but that" i sipped my coffee

"why?" She asked

"rory was being a complete dick to me" I admited, bitting my pizza

"how?" She said, sitting down across from me

"she called my clothing choice slutty, then she practicly said i couldnt pull guys" i shrugged

"wait, really?"

i nodded

Mom shook her head, and took a peice of pizza

"Cassie called" mom said after five minutes


"she wanted to make sure you were ok"

i nodded "my phones died and i cant find the charger"

"cassie seems like a good friend" Mom said, taking a big sip of my coffee

"she is" I said "great style too"

"oh definetley" she agreed "that black skirt she wore when i picked you up from the bake sale was very cute, ask her to bother it"

i rolled my eyes and nodded

"anyway, Cassie called and invited you to a bonfire"


Mom nodded



i looked at the time, it was 8:32pm


"i told her you'd be there"

i smiled "thank you"

"go get ready!" she said happily

i walked out of the kitchen, but before i could reach the stairs, mom hollerd

"Ask her for that skirt!"


I put on light blue tight jeans, a black long sleeved shirt and a fluffy caramel colored jacket

I put on light blue tight jeans, a black long sleeved shirt and a fluffy caramel colored jacket

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I put my hair in a low ponytail, grabbed my tiny bookbag and i walked downstairs

I put on my sneakers

"mom, wheres the portable charger?" I asked her, she was in the living room

"Rorys room" She responded

i groaned and walked into rorys room

"jease, do you know how to knock?" She said from her bed, her reading

"why would i need to knock, its not like you have a boy in here" i laughed "in fact, you might aswell keep your door open, your never gonna need to close it"

She glared at me, and i took the portable charger off her desk and put it in my bag

"Where are you going dressed like a slut?" She said, closing her book

"im going to win the challenge" i said walking out of her room

"bye mom! ill be home by 11" i said

"12!" she yelled as i closed the door

I got in my car, stuck my key in the ignition, and backed out of the driveway

Since it wasnt snowing, i put the hood down, and let the cold night hair whip my hair in all directions

Twenty minutes later, i pulled into the parkinglot of a beach

There were many cars lined up, and you could see a roaring fire on the beach

i put the hood up, and got out of the car after, then locked it

As i walked out onto the beach, i started recodnising kids from school

i finnaly found Cassie

She has her long pink hair up in two ponytails, with two strands out in the front

"hey girl ,you made it" She said and gave me a hug

"ya" i smiled

"how are you?" She asked

"im good"

"And how'd your mom take it?" She asked

"she took it really good. Suprisingly" i whispered the last part

Cassie nodded

On the other side of the beach, i saw Dean, and acouple of his friends

He looked my way and smiled

i smiled and waved at him, he copyed my movements

I winked at him, and he smiled

"dosent that guy date your sister?" Cassie asked from beside me

"Not for long"

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