Damn Right

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"Tell me about the chilton formal next week" grandma said to Rory and i during dinner

"There's a formal?" Mom asked me, i nodded, and took a sip of my coke

"How do you know about the formal?" Rory asked

"Yeah, how do you know about the formal?" My mom said, looking at grandma

"I read my Chilton newsletter"

"Since when do you get a Chilton newsletter?" Mom questioned, she looked annoyed

"Well as a major contributor to Rory's and Lory's education I figured I had the right to ask for a newsletter to be sent to my house" Grandma said, and got her copy of the newsletter

"Are you serious?"

"And it's a good thing, too, since you don't bother to read yours. One of us should be up to date on the goings-on at there school"

"Hey, Mom, I read my newsletter" Mom said,

She didnt.

"You did?" Grandma didnt belive it

"That's right"

"What was the picture on the cover?"

"it-It was a picture of a really rich kid in plaid" She said, uncertainly

Grandma showed Mom the paper

"its an owl" i said

"In plaid" Mom replied, nodding

Rory laughs a little

"The owls are endangered and Chilton is taking donations to help them" She turned to Rory and i "You both gave a very nice one, in case you're interested"

"Mom, dont be giving donations on There behalf, ill do that" Mom said, she looked hurt and annoyed at the same time

"how can you do that when you dont bother to read the newsletter?"

"i read the newsletter"

They kept arguing

"so the formal" i said

"so, you two have a formal coming up" Mom said to ys

"yeah, but i dont think im gonna go" Rory said, picking at her food

"Nonesence, of course your going" Grandma said

"Mom, if rory dosent want to go, she dosent have to"

"well i dont udnerstand why she wouldnt want to go"

"i know you dont"

"Lory, how about you, are you going to the formal?" she questioned

"of course i am, i would'nt miss a chance to wear one of my dresses" I said, with a sip of my coke

"Exellent, who will be taking you?" She asked

"um, i dont now, i might go by myself-"

"no no no, a lady never shows up at a dance without a man"

"ok, then maybe Eric and i will go as friends"

"How about Conrad? Or Steven or Jeremy?"

"if they asked, sure" i shurgged

She nodded and smiled


When we got home, Rory went straight to her room, and mom went into the living room

I followed rory into her room, and she started straightening up her book shelf

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