Track 30: Dreams

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The world they woke up in was an overly saturated amusement park. Joseph sat up, wondering how the hell they ended up here, "What in the world...?"

Polnareff choked out a gasp, suddenly everything from the past Stand attack came back to him. "Jotaro, Mr. Joestar, stay on guard! I-I remember now, we're inside a dream! A world of terrifying nightmares!" He hastily stepped out of his sleeping bag, cautiously surveying his surroundings, it seemed like everyone was here.

The old Joestar laid back, "Ahh, alright, it's just a dream. You had me worried there for a minute."

"DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID!" He exclaimed, turning his attention towards the only Stand user capable of protecting them. "(Y/N), it's a good time to summon a-"

"I already did." She stated, but her focus wasn't on the Frenchman. She pulled her lips into a hard line at the resentful glare Kakyoin sent her way, "I said I'd keep us safe from any attack, have you lost faith in me or something?"

Kakyoin couldn't help but laugh, "That's rich, coming from you." Somehow he had already gotten out of his sleeping bag, leaning against the safety rails while sending daggers into the (H/C) haired girl. "Saying 'I told you so', doesn't really feel like justice to me. If you just believed what I tried to tell you none of us would be in this nightmare!"

"I'm sorry, Kakyoin, truly. I should've trusted you from the start..." The Frenchman apologised, genuinely guilty about not believing him. Unfortunately, he was ignored by both teenagers, who seemed to be too absorbed in the growing hostility they had for one another.

"What you wanted to do was going to hurt a baby!" (Y/N) snapped, he was seriously getting on her nerves. "I don't if it's different in Japan, but hurting kids is downright unacceptable."

The Japanese student scoffed at her. "How hard is it to get through to your thick skull that this baby is trying to kill us! Self-defence is reasonable in this scenario!"

Joseph and Jotaro eyed the arguing Crusaders warily, they didn't want another Calcutta to happen again. "You two need to relax-"

"If you're saying the only way to get out of this nightmare is to kill a baby then you're unforgivable!" She stomped her foot down, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "No matter what happens, I will never harm a child!"

"You say that like you didn't leave those orphans to die!" He spat back, his voice dripping with venom.

Silence. No one dared to speak up after that. (Y/N)'s anger dissolved instantly, it felt like her body had suddenly crashed into frigid cold waters, and drowning in an overwhelming sense of dread. She must have misheard him, there was no reason for the others to be gawking at them in shock, she had to have misheard him because why the fuck would he say that. "...Huh?"

Kakyoin didn't look the slightest bit bothered by everyone's stares, he simply pressed the knife deeper into her reopened wound. "You abandoned those kids when you ran away, didn't you? Is this whole 'protect the innocent' act a way of brushing off your guilt?"

"What... no." The Moon user blinked, weakly shaking her head as she stepped back from him. "N-No, it's not-"

"You are a pathetic fucking woman, how dare you still breathe when you know what you've done." His eyes narrowed into slits, and the tension had grown so thick you could cut a rapier through it.

The three men witnessing this downward spiral were just as horrified as (Y/N). "Kakyoin...?" Joseph muttered.

"Did he really crack?" Polnareff prayed it wasn't due to their distrust of him.

"It's something worse." The Delinquent clenched his fists, he didn't think he'd have to deal with this for a second time. "That's not Kakyoin..." But (Y/N) wasn't aware of that, not with fear clouding her judgment.

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