Track 29: Baby Love

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With the plane wrecked and unable to fly again, the Crusaders decided the best option was to camp out in the desert. Joseph started the fire while Polnareff gathered some dry wood and Jotaro tried to get the aircraft's radio up and running. The only two people not helping were Kakyoin, still recovering from the hysterical nightmare he couldn't remember, and (Y/N), who sat by the baby's basket and glared out into the sandy dunes.

The Frenchman returned with a pile of sticks, dropping it near Joseph's feet. "Is this enough?"

"Yeah, thanks." He nodded and threw a few more sticks into the campfire. He glanced over to the (H/C) haired girl, who shunned the warmth in favour of surveillance. "(Y/N), nothing out here is going to attack us. Come sit closer by the fire, it's cold tonight."

The Moon user pushed the basket closer to the warmth and crossed her arms. "..."

"We managed to avoid dying, but..." Polnareff looked over at the Japanese student, holding his head in his hands. "Kakyoin, what's the matter with you? This whole mess is your fault."

"I don't know..." Kakyoin mumbled, "I feel like I had a nightmare. When I woke up, I was dead tired. Am I losing my mind...?"

The old Joestar sighed, "Don't let it get you down, I'm sure you're just too tired. It's been about a month since we left Japan and we've been under constant attack this whole time."

Jotaro left the plane wreckage, checking on (Y/N) first. "The smoke isn't that bad, stop acting like it isn't cold as shit."

"It's not just the smoke I'm avoiding..." She muttered under her breath, the baby's happy giggling got both teenagers' attention.

"Hey, looks like the kid's fever went down." The Delinquent called out to the others.

"Thank goodness, if anything were to happen to him I'd never forgive myself." He left the fire to crouch near the infant's basket, playing peek-a-boo with the child and making him laugh. "Look at that cute smile!"

Polnareff raised a brow, "What's so funny about that? It's not even a joke or anything."

(Y/N) shook her head in dismay, "Have you ever met a baby? They're easily impressed by things, that's what makes them cute." The baby laughed again at Joseph's grandfatherly antics, even with her sour mood she couldn't help but smile.

"Oi Jiji, the radio still works. Should we send out an SOS?" Jotaro suggested, "That'll mean DIO's henchman can find us, but..."

"We got no other choice, let's call for a rescue." Joseph stood back up and followed his grandson back to the aircraft, "We'll do it for the baby."

Kakyoin grimaced at the dull ache in his forearm, he noticed trails of blood dripping out of his sleeve. "I thought something hurt... I must have cut my arm in the plane crash." He took a handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe the blood off, the moment he pulled his sleeve back, however, "What the...? The cuts form letters!" On his forearm were the words 'BABY STAND.'

The (H/C) haired girl observed the infant's sudden upset expression, "Oh. You hungry little buddy?" She stood up, going over to their stack of supplies to find something adequate for the child. "Wonder if we got any soft food in stock?"

"Wh-What does this mean? It's my own handwriting." Kakyoin raked his fingers through his hair, "I can't remember... Did I do this to myself?" He blinked, swiftly taking out the pocket knife and flicking the switch open. "There isn't any blood on my knife, but it seems like it was done with this blade. Have I forgotten something incredibly important?"

The Death user sat up, eyeing Kakyoin wearily. 'Damn it, I heard they were sharp... I didn't expect him to carve letters into his arm while he was trying to wake himself up.'

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