Track 15: She Drives Me Crazy

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Delhi, India
December 16th, 1988


Driving across the country for 48 hours straight could bend even the strongest-willed men. Driving across the country with (Y/N) sitting beside you could bend that will in less than 4 hours, at least in Jotaro's case. He had a problem with school girls touching him like some kind of plaything, but with (Y/N) it was different, because most of the time she wasn't even aware she was touching him.

"Stop bouncing your fucking leg, it's been five minutes." He grumbled, glaring daggers at the (H/C) haired girl next to him.

The Moon user raised a brow as if he just spoke in another language, "How the hell does that hurt you?"

"It's annoying..." Jotaro clarified through gritted teeth, "Do it again, and you're going in the trunk."

"Elephants!? Where!?" (Y/N) pushed his chest back and leaned over his seat to stare out the window, which was the Delinquent's snapping point.



That was only the 8-hour mark of the journey. The rest of the trip was spent with Jotaro in the front seat, it would have gone smoothly after that, if (Y/N) had stopped whining.

"Can't we at least listen to some music while we drive? I'm going insane looking out at nothing all day." She groaned with a pout.

Joseph was the driver this shift, he considered the option but was skeptical. "Ain't much on the radio out here, anyone able to get my cassette tapes from the boot?"

"Already snatched what I could find." The Moon user revealed a stack of music tracks in her arms, "You brought a whole lotta music with you, Mr. Joe."

"Actually, some of those are songs Jojo and I purchased from the market," Kakyoin remarked, both he and Polnareff checking the variety of cassette tapes for a song they liked. "Could we start off with Wham first?"

Joseph blinked, not sure if he heard that right. "With who?"

"Hey, Santana!" The Frenchman rejoiced, "Let's play this one!"

"I bought AC/DC, I want that one." Jotaro chimed in, leaning over to find his tape.

(Y/N) stopped him from taking the tape with a barrier, poking her tongue out at him. "They are so overrated, listen to something better, like The Cars."

"NO NO NO!" The old Joestar bellowed, pointing his finger furiously at everyone one by one. "We aren't listening to Santana! Or AC/DC! Or Wham! And absolutely not Cars! I'm the driver, I choose the music!" He swiped his personal favourite song out of the stack, slamming it into the car's stereo.

Jotaro only caught a glimpse of the band labeled on the tape, but that was enough to make his heart drop down to the bottom of his stomach. "Wait Jiji don-"

"Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner!~"

He had to suppress Star Platinum from destroying the stereo, only because he was certain he'd accidentally blow up the entire engine along with it. He groaned and pulled his gakuran over his face to hide his utter embarrassment.

"Jojo left his home in Tuscon, Arizona~" Joseph sang off-beat without a care in the world, much to the displeasure of the men inside the car. "Oh don't be like that, Jotaro, you love this song!"

"When I was five..." The Delinquent glowered at his grandfather.

And if things couldn't get any worse for the Star user, (Y/N) opened her mouth. "Hey, I love the Beatles~"

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