A Demo Disc Is Playing

243 11 1

Meguro, Tokyo

March 31th, 1999


Sirens blared out through the long hallway accompanied by the glowing red lights they signalled an unparalleled catastrophe had occurred within the Speedwagon Foundation. In the sub-levels below what the public considers a medical company are supernatural mysteries and horrors that some would consider downright bizarre.


The automated message repeated over and over to the corpses littered on the floors. Bodies of staff workers and security alike were strewn across the chamber, where a single item had been kept under heavy supervision.

The very item now around a young girl's neck.

She marvelled at the beauty of the blue gemstones encased in ivory, she had heard about this secret treasure, and what it could do when worn. "One reality-changing wish..."

The air shifted around her, something was wrong. The girl tensed up and scanned her surroundings, no more people were coming from the door nor the ceiling vents, yet the intensity of a glare on her body was malicious enough to send cold shivers down her spine.

She needed to get out of here, and fast, it would be as easy as getting into the Speedwagon Foundation building. After all, she had an ability no regular human could just casually obtain, "[Fantasy!]"

Just as she summoned her Stand, a searing pain tore open her neck. The girl's mouth opened in a silent scream, her head lolling backwards to see something horrible behind her.

[You will never be free again.]

Fear took over as she jumped away, she didn't know where, she just knew it had to be as far away as possible from this abomination. She felt the wind first, then a shock of agony through her chest, then the cool touch of a gemstone.

And then nothing.


It was about a week before school started, and a young 16-year-old teenager was going to make the most of the remaining holidays before it was time to start high school.

Josuke leaned forward, staring intently at the screen, at long last after nineteen game overs he was finally about to beat the second level of Star Fox 64. "Come on... Yes..!" Just as he was about to achieve victory, the TV screen fizzled out.

"...No." He stared at the black screen, taking a long pause to process what just happened. Dread kicked in. "No no NO!" Jumping to his feet he checked the back of the TV, all the lights have turned off. "Oh, you gotta be kidding!" He groaned, since all the lights were off he figured there must have been a blackout.

There went his plan for playing games until he passed out, the teenager ran his hands across his messy hairstyle, his usual pompadour not in its typical pristine condition due to it being late at night.

Stumbling his way into the kitchen Josuke acquired a flashlight from the bottom drawer, "It better just be the fusebox screwing with me." If this was all across town then who knows how long it would take for the electricity to come back.

Especially since it was about 10 o'clock at night and most reasonable people would be asleep. With the exception of his grandpa working a late shift in the police station and his mom out on a 'Girls night' (Her words not his).


A sudden thunderous crash set off his adrenaline, he flicked on the torchlight and threw open the front door. 'What the hell was that?!' He looked up and down the street, to his surprise and further confusion nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

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