Track 12: Mirror Mirror (Look Into My Eyes)

472 19 33

Calcutta, India
December 13th, 1988


"You two haven't seen much death in your lifetimes, boy does it show." Hol Horse dropped his cigarette, putting it out with his boot. His gaze landed on the girl, the only one who hadn't cried for Avdol. "Not you though, the look on your face tells me you've met the grim reaper in person! I admire that tenacity, Huckleberry."

"I'm gonna admire the bloodstain I'll make out of you on the ground." She spat, Iridescent Moon shimmered into existence, her translucent form mirroring the stance of her user.

"(Y/N)!" Kakyoin cried, trying to get her attention away from the cowboy. "You can't let him provoke you, you're already injured!"

Instead of the Moon user backing down, Polnareff joined her side, furiously wiping his tears away. "He stabbed Avdol in the back like a coward... and my sister when she was defenseless. All this regret and you expect me to run!?"

"Don't get too bent out of shape about it, most folks don't get to say goodbye. Just something I know from experience..." Hol Horse boasted.

(Y/N) snarled, "You're talking a whole lotta shit for someone in Moonblasting distance."

"We can't fight them while we don't have a clear way to win," The red-haired teen explained desperately, moving away from the Egyptian's body to try and convince the two to not fight. "We won't have that without knowing what their Stands can do! We have to retreat!"

"...I know." She muttered, before sprinting towards the cowboy. The moment a punch should have landed, Hol Horse put a bullet between her eyes and the mirror Stand ripped her torso in half.


The copy of the Moon user shattered like glass, the shards striking a surprised Hol Horse and the surrounding glass windows. It happened too fast for the men to comprehend, while the cowboy was cursing up a storm at glass shards stabbing into him, the sound of an engine starting and then tires screeching brought Polnareff and Kakyoin back to reality.

(Y/N)'s body barely regained opaqueness when she honked a horn at the two, "GET IN!" She kept driving despite her demands.

Kakyoin summoned Hierophant Green to latch onto the back of the truck, while he used both arms to hook onto the Frenchman just in time to be dragged off by the speeding vehicle.

Hol Horse grunted, summoning Emperor to aim at the trio, but the truck was speeding off into the distance. "Out of range for my Stand. Even if I took a potshot the bullet wouldn't hit with much force." His eyes flickered to the ground where thousands of glass debris littered the streets. "Looks like J. Geil went after them... He must really want to get a piece of Polnareff."

Meanwhile, in the truck, the two men were able to settle on the cargo bed. Yet Polnareff looked like he was ready to jump out, "No! I didn't want to retreat-"

Kakyoin's fist struck the side of his face, his Stand steadied his body after the violent movement. "So you were going to sacrifice your life? After what Avdol had done to save it!?" He shouted furiously, Polnareff silently cradled his cheek, he seemed to be finally listening to him. "(Y/N) made the right call in running away, for once can you stop being so brash?"

"[Who said we were running away?]" Iridescent Moon came out halfway through the truck's back window. (Y/N)'s voice coming out of the Stand's mouth. "[We're going straight to the user.]" That gave the two quite the shock.

"You-" The Frenchman winced, tasting iron in his mouth. "You found out his location?"

From the rear window, the (H/C) haired girl shook her head. "[Not yet... right now we're baiting him out, so try not to kill each other before we can kill him.]"

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