Track 9: Superstition

511 26 16

Sittwe, Myanmar (Burma)
December 11th, 1988


The Crusader had taken a short rest on the boat before they arrived at the port of Sittwe, it was the dead of night, but the gang was wide awake. When Polnareff and (Y/N) wished to explore the town it was quickly shot down by the old Joestar.

"Come on Mr. Joe, I just wanna see the sights!" (Y/N) whined.

"And I just want to see the ladies!" Polnareff also whined, almost perfectly replicating the girl's tone and pitch.

"No means no you two, we have a tight schedule and we're only here for the night," Joseph stated, practically dragging the two along to the motel they were staying at. "There are only two rooms available so we'll be splitting into three, luckily for us they're next to each other and have a conjoining bathroom."

"So what are the room arrangements this time?" Kakyoin asked.

"I was thinking Me, Avdol, and Polnareff in one room, and you kids get the other." He decided, "Although one person will have to sleep on the floor since there are only two beds."

"I'm not sleeping in a room with her." Jotaro immediately spoke up.

(Y/N) scoffed at him, "What? Afraid you're gonna catch cooties or something?"

"...Or something." The Delinquent remarked, a small but smug grin appearing when she registered what he meant by that.

She bared her teeth in anger. "The hell is that supposed to-!?"

"Alright, alright, you two won't share a room." Joseph stopped the two from going at each other's throats once again.

"Since (Y/N) is the only lady in our group, why not let her decide who stays in her room?" Avdol proposed, which sounded reasonable to everyone.

The old Joestar nodded his head curtly. "Smart thinking, okay (Y/N) take your pick." The five men's attention all pointed towards the Moon user.

It was an easy decision for her, "I choose Advil and Kakyo. I get the feeling they're the least susceptible to my classic antics... also Mr. Joe definitely snores loudly I can just tell."

Joseph pouted childishly, "Hey, that's not true!"

"It's a little bit true." Avdol admitted, being the only one to share a room with him until now.

Jotaro shrugged, it was the better option than spending the night with the world's most annoying woman. "Works for me."

"If it's what the lady wants." Polnareff couldn't complain, he could probably bum some cigarettes from the Delinquent anyway.

"We should probably start getting our luggage in the right rooms." Kakyoin chimed in, and in just a few minutes everyone was settled in, ready for a good night's rest.

Except for (Y/N), still restless with energy to spend, while she had the privilege of using the bathroom first that meant she had to wait for everyone else to finish up, there was no way she was going to sleep with all the ruckus going on inside the bathroom.

Avdol was the second one out, resting on the floor with his sleeping bag, he was currently shuffling a deck of cards that caught the girl's eye. "Whatcha got there?" She leaned over on her bed to try and touch the empty box wrapped in bands of pretty coloured stones.

The Fortuneteller was quick to stop her, wagging a finger at her. "Do not touch the deck, you'll contaminate the cards."

"I just washed though..." She murmured. "And I'm clean by the way, Dodo is a liar!"

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