Track 28: Sweet Child O'Mine

358 17 5

Yarpline, Saudi Arabia

December 26th, 1988


A faint wailing of an infant had stirred Kakyoin to consciousness, like an annoying alarm that wouldn't stop ringing. "Be quiet..." He grumbled, sitting up to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

The sight that greeted him left him at a loss for words, somehow he woke up in the booth of a Ferris wheel, and below him were various types of saturated theme park rides. "Where am I? Is this an amusement park!?" He'd never been to a park like this, but that was the least of his worries.

"Something's wrong. The last thing I remember was crossing the Saudi Arabian desert on camels, but everyone's disappeared. I'm alone..." A familiar pang of sadness hit his chest as he said that.


A cry other than the baby's got his attention, Kakyoin turned to see a dog relaxing on the booth seat beside him. The loneliness subsided as he happily pet the animal, at least he wasn't all by himself. "Still, something's strange. There are no children in this park, but I keep hearing a baby crying. Where's it coming from?"

Balloons flew around the Ferris wheel, one of them had a unique card attached to the string. The red-haired teen reached out for the card, the back of it looked eerily similar to the Tarot cards Avdol carried with him. Flipping the card over had him reeling in shock, "Death 13!?"

The Tarot card depicted the illustration of a mix between grim reaper and jester, a large scythe grasped in its hands, which had begun twitching to life. "It's moving!" He shouted, flinging the card away in fear. The arms and weapon burst out of the card, the now massive scythe went to swing at the defenseless Japanese student.

A barrier had blocked its attack.

The weapon slid off the forcefield and sliced the dog's leg clean off, it wailed in pain as it scampered to the furthest corner of the booth. Kakyoin blinked, he recognised the ability in front of him. A high-pitched laugh faded into obscurity as he felt two hands holding his face.



Kakyoin woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air, it felt like he had just been through a near-death experience. A hand caressed his face and brought him out of his delirious state, his vision slowly cleared to reveal the Moon user, also in her nightwear and half asleep herself. "...(Y/N)?"

"Who was here?" She murmured sleepily, yet her tone was dire. "You were screaming... I came to... to help."

Kakyoin blinked once, then twice. "No one broke in, it was just a... terrible nightmare." He told her, trying to sit up on the bed. 'Did she wake herself up at the sound of me screaming in my sleep?' He stifled a gasp when he felt her hands unbuttoning his pajama shirt, "Wh-What are you doing...!?"

"Night terrors can make you injure yourself..." She explained, not hesitating for a moment as she pulled his shirt off, exposing his upper body. (Y/N) scanned him for any bruises or scratches, not aware of how flustered the teenager was at the action, she didn't even comment on how he shuddered at the feeling of her hands searching for abrasions.

He silently begged his heart to stop pounding out of his chest, certain that the girl could feel it. "(Y/N), i-it was just a nightmare. You don't need to-"

"Kakyoin." She scolded, staring at him with a look he never saw from her before. "I heard you screaming, I know the difference between the ones you get from a nightmare and..." She bit her lip, glancing at the locked window as if someone was lurking outside the room. "You sure someone wasn't attacking you?"

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