Track 7: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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December 6th, 1988


The Crusaders and Anne had been rescued by a freighter ship that thankfully wasn't a Stand, and in three days' time were dropped off in the Lion City, also known as Singapore. During their time on the water, (Y/N) eccentrically described some of the Stand users she faced and the bizarre missions she had gone on to entertain Anne and the others.

Besides Anne who ate up her stories like a starry-eyed kid, Avdol was also impressed by her tales, exchanging some encounters with Stand users he had the pleasure (mostly displeasure) of meeting. So far, he had been the one (Y/N) liked the most out of the Crusaders. He was followed closely by Joseph, who loved sharing bad puns with her, then Polnareff who was fun to tease, then Kakyoin, although she rarely interacted with him the whole three days.

Jotaro was dead last on her list.

Days after they had left the ports of Hong Kong, the Crusaders had reached the beautiful city of Singapore.

"Good grief, we're finally here." Polnareff said with exasperation.

"We'll stay at a hotel tonight and figure out our route to Egypt." Joseph explained, about to lead the group to the hotel until a sudden loud whistle was heard.

"Hey, you!" It was a police officer, he pointed a finger at the Frenchman. "I'm talking to you! You threw this trash, didn't you?"

The men faced a police officer, while (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the law enforcement, "Huh? You talking to me?" Polnareff asked in confusion.

"Littering is not tolerated here! That's a fine of five hundred Singapore dollars!" The officer exclaimed. The expressions of the men shifted from confused to shock, not because of the accusation that one of them broke the law, but because (Y/N) now stood behind the officer and pickpocketed him completely undetected.

"How did-?" The girl that was standing in front of them also being scolded turned out to be a reflection the Moon user had created, it seemed that her reflection abilities could be seen by Non-Stand users.

(Y/N) pulled out a few coupons, pocket tissues, a photo of a dog, then some paper bills. She showed it to the group with a cheeky smile on her lips, and was given stern glares by the Crusaders in order to try and stop her from committing more skulduggery. She poked her tongue out at them but returned the wallet nonetheless.

Unfortunately, the officer thought those threatening looks were targeted at him, "Don't give me those looks, you're the ones that chose to break Singapore's laws!"

"Officer, are you referring to this man's luggage as trash?" The real (Y/N) said, replacing the copy she made earlier while pointing out Polnareff's shoddy bindle bag.

The policemen blinked, "L-Luggage?"

"And officer, isn't that your litter thrown by the gutter?"

"What!?" He looked back to find that there were tissues and his coupons now fluttering in the streets.

The boys began to pick up on what (Y/N) was trying to pull, and none of them approved of it. "Cut it out...!" Kakyoin harshly whispered to the girl.

"How could you?! Don't you know you get fined five hundred Singapore dollars for littering?" The (H/C) haired girl put her palm flat out. In the background, Avdol failed to hide his amusement at the whole situation. "Come on then, pay up!"

By this point, the policeman was utterly flabbergasted. "P-P-PAY?!"

"If ya can't pay the fine, don't do the crime~ That'll be just-" A large hand quickly shushed her and she found herself being pulled behind Jotaro's massive frame while Joseph switched spots with her.

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