Track 33: Eternal Flame

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"'Muhammad Avdol is alive.' Shouldn't you go tell DIO and your fellow Stand users the bad news?" The Fortuneteller taunted the enemy Stand, "Well, Cameo?"

"[Indeed, this is a surprise. But I can turn that news into this: Judgment's Cameo not only killed the idiot Polnareff, but also killed Avdol, who happened to be alive!]" It lunged forward with incredible speed, "[I shall change it into good news!]"

"[Magician's Red!]"

"[Iridescent Moon!]"

The two Stands prepared to fight against Judgment, but the enemy had a plan for facing a two-against-one battle. It threw something large at Moon with unprecedented strength, the celestial spirit had just enough time to block before the attack landed.

"[HAIL 2 U!]"

The large object cracked into pieces, one of them would have hit (Y/N) if Polnareff hadn't pushed her away. Polnareff's eyes widened at the projectile Cameo used, his own sister, her upper torso landed right on him.

The Fortuneteller wasn't having much luck either, Judgment had dodged the phoenix spirit's attack and threw him into a nearby tree. He fell to his knees at the pain coursing through his back. "This Stand is powerful..."

"Brother..." The fake Sherry murmured.

"No. My Sherry..." The Chariot user squeezed his eyes shut, "Sherry... is gone." The pain of that acknowledgment soon subsided, replaced with a fighting resolve. "You... are just... a clay doll!" His Stand's rapier pierced the doll's chest.

The fake Sherry smiled at him, "Brother..." The dirt scattered lifelessly onto his body, (Y/N) stood above him with a sympathetic look in her eyes, and she held out her hand to pull him off the floor.

"Polnareff, (Y/N)." Avdol huddled next to them, the three stood side by side as Judgment lingered out of range. "I take back my statement, you two have matured since our last battle."

The girl shrugged at his remark. "Eh, not by much."

"We still need to apologise to you." The Frenchman said, their idle chitchat was rudely interrupted when Cameo tried to swipe at them, only hitting the barrier around them. But due to (Y/N) using Aqua Aid to patch up Polnareff, her stamina was drained, and the forcefield broke from the impact.

Despite being at a clear disadvantage, Cameo remained arrogant. "[Avdol! Tell me your three wishes! I shall grant them for you. Before you die for real this time.]" All three Crusaders glowered at the Stand, "[Go ahead! Give it a shot, you get three...]"

The Chariot user spat out the blood in his mouth. "Fucking Connard...! It's mocking us! Avdol, don't listen to it."

(Y/N) pumped her fist in the air, the stored energy shining bright. "I can finish this in one hit, I'll make it up to you, Avdol. I won't fail you again!"

The Egyptian smiled at his comrades, boldly moving past them. "No..." He raised four fingers at Judgment. "Make it four."

"Huh!?" The two gawked at him.

"My wishes. I wish to make the three wishes into four." He clarified, clicking his tongue at the irritated enemy.

Its eyes glowed dully, "[Why you... No joking around!]"

"Are you denying my wish? Cameo, you're the one that offered! I will have you keep your promise!" Magician's Red burst forth in a torrent of flames.

"[You still insist upon this futile contest of power? Such a weak kick!]" It raised an arm to block the attack, then screamed at the sight of its armoured plating cracking into dust.

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