Track 39: Hound Dog

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Abu Simbel, Egypt

January 2nd, 1989


The Crusaders were finally on the road again, or sand dunes to be more accurate, they had made some decent progress up Egypt but Cairo was still a long way away. The Old Joestar had parked the UTV near the ruins of an ancient building, telling the Stand Users to stretch their limbs after the long ride.

Not five minutes later, a loud whirr from up in the sky caught everyone's attention. (Y/N) used Pink Periscope to zoom in on the aircraft, noticing the familiar SPW symbol on the side.

"They're here." Joseph said.

Polnareff shielded his eyes from the dust and sand blowing around, "What is that!? A helicopter!?"

"Nah, I think it's a plane." The Moon user quipped sarcastically, her sunglasses pulled over her eyes as protection from the harsh winds.

"It was sent by the SPW Foundation, they're looking for a place to land." Joseph talked over the loud chopping of the aircraft.

Jotaro's eyes narrowed, suspicion aimed at his Grandfather, "Jiji, don't tell me we're riding that thing to Cairo."

"No, as much as I'd like to hitch a ride, the crew isn't made up of Stand users. It wouldn't be good for them if we were attacked." He explained.

"It has been a while since we've seen an enemy Stand user..." (Y/N) couldn't explain the anxiousness of not being attacked for so long, what should have been seen as a blessing just kept her on edge. 'But no matter how many times I search the area, I don't see anyone but us.'

"Then why bring a helicopter here?" Kakyoin asked.

Joseph pulled his prosthetic hand up as the helicopter circled just a few metres above them, it had been delayed for some time, but finally, "They've brought us some backup."

"BACKUP!?" Polnareff and (Y/N) cried in unison.

"He's got a few personality issues, that's why it took a while to bring him here." The Old Joestar remarked.

Avdol gasped, realising who Joseph had called in for extra help. "Mr. Joestar, it's impossible for him to accompany us on this trip! There's no way he could be of any help!"

The Japanese student tilted his head, "Do you know him, Avdol?"

"Yes, quite well." The Fortuneteller's voice was strained, almost as if he wasn't prepared to face this 'backup' again.

"Hold on. If he's our backup, that means he's a Stand user, right?" The Delinquent figured.

Joseph nodded, "His Stand is represented by The Fool card."

"The Fool? So like an idiot?" The Frenchman snickered, "Sounds like his Stand won't be too bright."

Avdol sighed at his arrogance, "You'll be glad that he's not your enemy, you'd never beat him in a fight."

While Polnareff berated the Magician user for his (correct) statement, Kakyoin tapped his chin in thought. "Do we really need another Stand user? I thought (Y/N) was already our extra help."

"Yeah, what gives?" The (H/C) haired girl pouted childishly at Joseph. "My barriers protect us perfectly from danger! What's this guy got that I don't?"

The helicopter landed a few feet away as Joseph went up to greet the SPW crew. "You'll see, Sweetie."

The Crusaders watched the two pilots step out of the aircraft, besides Avdol they silently observed the two men and wondered which one was the new Stand user. "Mr. Joestar, we're glad to see that you're doing well."

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