Track 32: Alive and Kicking

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With the starry sky over their heads, the rest of the Crusaders were starting to become worried about the whereabouts of their missing allies. Joseph more than anyone was concerned about their disappearance, "It's been too long, where did those two run off two?"

Jotaro jumped down from the boat they had arrived on the island with, "They ain't in here, either."

"At least that means they should be together." Kakyoin presumed, though that fact did little to stop his worrying. "It's gotten rather dark. Where could they have gone?"

"This is bad..." Joseph muttered, but unlike his younger Crusaders, he wasn't all that concerned with something possibly attacking them. No, his worry was something far worse, 'What if that French Fry is taking advantage of my poor future Grand-Daughter-in-law!?' He grimaced at the image of Polnareff and (Y/N) being alone together on this spacious island, he was kicking himself for letting his prankster ways get the better of him.

The dark-haired teen noticed his grandfather's distraught expression. "You don't think they ran into an enemy, do you?"

'I would prefer that over the other option...' But Joseph kept quiet on that honest thought. He knew that their other ally already went deeper into the island to look for the two, the old Joestar hoped that he wouldn't find them in some precarious position together.


"R-Robin..." (Y/N) could hardly believe what she was seeing, it was the only person she had ever fallen in love with, standing naked and scarred and... gutted from the stomach downwards. "What... happened to you?" Were these wounds inflicted on him when he died? The mere thought of him being injured to this extent almost broke her heart.

The Orphan's eyes narrowed into slits as if insulted by her. "This is what happens when you break a promise... Look at me! I'm hideous!"

"No no no, I can fix you- fix this." She reassured her revived partner, "You remember how I used reflections to make us feel better? I can do that right now, just come here-"

"STAY AWAY!" Robin screeched, backing up near the thicker plants, ready to flee at any given moment. "I hate you! You left me alone with him!"

The Moon user stared at him, "You hate... me?" It had become physically painful to stop the tears from freely falling down her face, she refused to let herself cry, she had to be strong for him even now.  "Of course... but please, Robin, listen to me. That night, I knew he wanted to take the punishment out on you too but I didn't have enough to pay the debt. That's why I ran to the farm, I was getting more money!"

Blue reflections appeared behind the (H/C) haired girl, the images of the group of thugs and the Farmer on his horse. She had gotten careless, that night was the night when Remy was assaulting the farmlands, and the Caretaker had sent reinforcements to aid him.

"I got caught." She confessed, "I was trapped, his Stand almost turned me into a... well, it took me a long time to escape but I never gave up. I never once took the easy route because I knew you were counting on me to come back!" She was choking at every inhale, her eyes felt like they were burning into her skull. "And... and then you were just...! I'm so sorry!"

Robin watched the girl fall to her knees, hiding her face in her hands, "(Y/N). Do you love me?" He took one step forward, "As long as I was the only person who loved you, you would never be sad. Are you sad right now, because I said I hate you?"

"I-It's selfish, huh?" She let out a soulless laugh, with how much shit she had been through, Robin declaring that he hated her was the most emotionally destroying thing she had ever experienced. "I want you to love me again, I want you to forgive me."

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